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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel 89400 subscribers    RSS
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
每周五⏰【天赐每周精选】一周一会!专属于天赐的定制歌单 #张碧晨 #杨宗纬 #汪苏泷 #陈楚生 #王赫野 #姚晓棠 #天赐的声音
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
【新春演唱会🎤】1月28日起【六期】节目狂欢不停歇 天赐嘉宾陪你嗨翻新年 金曲不断惊喜满满!🎉一起唱响幸福新篇章!✨🎤🎊
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
天赐的声音 经典Moment回顾
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
【精彩花絮】🔉#天赐的声音5 精彩内容抢先看 每日更新“天赐家族”歌曲的诞生~
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
🎊2024-2025浙江卫视跨年晚会🎊倒计时开启!天赐陪你一起回顾热门歌曲🧣 #天赐的声音
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
#有歌2024 shorts畅享!点击下方👇👇👇探索音乐宝藏#李宇春 #张信哲 #陶喆 #蔡健雅 #张碧晨 #陈楚生 #汪苏泷
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
5 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
#有歌2024 首期阵容官宣!一场盛大的音乐盛宴正缓缓拉开序幕 #李宇春 #张信哲 #陶喆 #蔡健雅 #张碧晨 #陈楚生 #汪苏泷
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
《天赐非凡歌会》天赐嘉宾户外演唱会 一次听个够~#张碧晨 #王赫野 #希林娜依高 #天赐的声音
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
【天赐放映室】随机掉落录制小瞬间 订阅天赐的声音官方频道 了解第一资讯 #杨宗纬 #张碧晨 #吉克隽逸 #王赫野 #姚晓棠
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
16 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
🎉《天赐的声音》第五季圆满收官!和#张碧晨 #杨宗纬 #汪苏泷 #陈楚生 #姚晓棠 ......等天赐唱作人一起画上圆满的句号吧!#天赐的声音
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
ENG SUB FULL | The Treasured Voice S5 | Let's see it all at once! Diamond Zhang/Aska Yang/Silence Wang/Chusheng Chen/Lala/Kelly Yu
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
⏰【个人CUT】 🔜 优先看TA的精彩内容~💟 一心只为看TA 🤩#天赐的声音5
99 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
12 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
12 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
“天赐部落”4K加长版内容独家放送💓惊喜瞬间持续掉落中 正片没有的小声双手奉上🤭
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
92 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
20 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
FULL《奇妙练歌房2》✨天赐独家企划✨ 音乐合伙人花式K歌技能解锁ing~~
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天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
10 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
【🎤无伴奏原声彩蛋🎤】独属于天赐5的惊喜安可 快来社区互动投票 选出你最喜欢的演唱共鸣
99 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
✨精选特辑✨《天赐的声音》主题特辑大放送 盘点往季高能舞台 总有一个特辑适合你的体质💖
41 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
✨天赐的声音5✨S+++音综嘉宾大猜想ing🎬EP1已上线 更多惊喜嘉宾正在解锁中👋
6 videos
天赐的声音 The Treasured Voice Official Channel
【春日限定🍃】《天赐的声音》春日必听歌单大放送! 奏响快乐的春日旋律 #张碧晨 #张韶涵 #周深 #汪苏泷 #希林娜依高 #张靓颖 #周延