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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Dynamic Locomotion Group

Dynamic Locomotion Group 3480 subscribers    RSS
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YT 32 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
YaMoR modular robot, quadruped configuration, optimised CPG parameters
YT 11 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
YaMoR modular robot, snake configuration, random CPG parameter gait initialisation.
YT 44 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
ATRIAS robot walking outside.
YT 19 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
YaMoR modular robot, tripod configuration, random CPG parameter gait initialisation.
YT 5 minutes 40 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
FootTile: a Rugged Foot Sensor for Force and Center of Pressure Sensing in Soft Terrain (presenter)
YT 4 minutes 42 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Trunk Pitch Oscillations for Energy Trade-offs in Bipedal Running Birds and Robots
YT 4 minutes 42 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Trunk Pitch Oscillations for Energy Trade-offs in Bipedal Running Birds and Robots
YT 43 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
3D Anatomy of the Quail Lumbosacral Spinal Canal - Implications for Putative Mechanosensory Function
YT 53 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Cheetah-cub level running
YT 54 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Cheetah-cub step down perturbation
YT 12 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Cheetah-cub leg design, spring loaded pantograph legs
YT 1 minute 21 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Cheetah-cub in slow motion running in the hallway
YT 32 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Bobcat robot, a bounding quadruped robot with an active spine.
YT 3 minutes 26 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Scalable Pneumatic and Tendon Driven Robotic Joint Inspired by Jumping Spiders
YT 2 minutes
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Shaping in Practice: Training Wheels to Learn Fast Hopping Directly in Hardware
YT 9 minutes 25 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
A little damping goes a long way - SICB2021 presentation
YT 46 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Effective Viscous Damping Enables Morphological Computation in Legged Locomotion
YT 9 minutes 1 second
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Beyond Basins of Attraction: Quantifying Robustness of Natural Dynamics
YT 1 minute 10 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
FootTile: a Rugged Foot Sensor for Force and Center of Pressure Sensing in Soft Terrain
YT 40 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
YaMoR modular robot, tripod gait, optimized CPG parameters.
YT 18 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
YaMoR modular robots in snake configuration, optimised central pattern generator parameters.
YT 2 minutes
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Video1 Hybrid Parallel Compliance Allows Robots to Operate With Sensorimotor Delays and Low Control
YT 18 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Video2 Hybrid Parallel Compliance Allows Robots to Operate With Sensorimotor Delays and Low Control
YT 57 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Series Elastic Behavior of Biarticular Muscle-Tendon Structure in a Robotic Leg - Stepdown
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Series Elastic Behavior of Biarticular Muscle-Tendon Structure in a Robotic Leg - Robustness
YT 37 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Scalable Pneumatic and Tendon Driven Robotic Joint Inspired by Jumping Spiders - raw video
YT 18 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Cheetah-cub sideview and slowmo
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 25 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
SELDA actuated robot leg hopping
YT 51 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
BirdBot at 1.5Hz locomotion frequency, high speed recording
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Learning Plastic Matching of Robot Dynamics in Closed-loop Central Pattern Generators
YT 22 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Ecowalker with Xmas lights outfit
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Multi-segmented Robot Feet Adapt to Natural Terrain
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Slack damper mechanism enables robust and efficient legged hopping
YT 12 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Ecowalker robot on its way to AMAM 2023 (Kobe, June 6-9, 2023)
YT 34 seconds
Dynamic Locomotion Group
Walking EcoWalker free of power tether