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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Sylvia Sagona

Sylvia Sagona 2290 subscribers    RSS
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3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Vestals, Virgins and Victims Lectures - April / May 2024
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Courage or Collaboration Lectures
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Portraying French History Lectures
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Picture This Lectures
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Creating Cities of the Imagination Lectures - The artists' role in fashioning the ideal image of Venice, Amsterdam and Paris.
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Power Dressing Lectures - The cultural politics of clothes in the rise and fall of Queen Marie Antoinette, Napoleon’s Josephine and Empress Eugenie.
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
The Lure of Italy in the Age of Reason Lectures
4 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Delight or Despair at the Moulin de la Galette Lectures - Conflicting Impressionist depictions of the life and landscapes of Belle Epoque Paris
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Villages of Paris Lectures
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Monarchs, Marriage and Monogamy Lectures - The role of the mistress in French politics.
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Famous, Feted and Forgotten Lectures - The "Pompier" Salon Artists at the time of the Impressionists
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
In Search of the Light Lectures - The South of France in the Age of the Impressionists
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
From a Different Perspective Lectures. The vision of the lesser-know Impressionist Artists
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Power and Pettiness - The other side of the Napoleonic legend
2 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Behind the Facade Lectures - Violence and Genius in Baroque Rome
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
On the Margins of History Lectures - Women writers, actresses, painters and activists in 19th century Paris
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Turning the Pages of Paris Lectures - Paris seen Through the Eyes of Writers from Hugo to Hemingway
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
The Rise of the Individual Lectures - Ideas that emerged from the French Revolutions of 1789 to 1871.
3 videos
Sylvia Sagona
Seeing Through Clothes Lectures - The Role of Fashion in 19th Century French Art and Society