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Invidious (YT)

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52 videos
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Movies and Docu's worth watching.
17 videos
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32 videos
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Your Mind Body & Spirit
22 videos
n e1
The Mind. The Extended Mind. Morphogenetics & Consciousness.
23 videos
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Tao Te Ching and Zhan zhuang (站桩)
16 videos
n e1
Ancient Knowledge & Zero Point.
71 videos
n e1
Is This A Frequency-Vibrationally Dependant-Dielectric-Magnetic-Electric-Morphogenic-Fluidic-Vortically-Fractalized - Holographic - Multiverse..?
62 videos
n e1
Discourses On An Alien Sky
10 videos
n e1
18 videos
n e1
Einstein Was Wrong & The Fallacious 'Black Hole'!
79 videos
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Ken Wheeler's... Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism.
39 videos
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Jiddu Krishnamurti.
10 videos
n e1
Manly P Hall