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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)

Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR) 48800 subscribers    RSS
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48 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Early Medieval & Viking Single Combat
20 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Sword & Buckler Technique from MS I.33 and other sources
27 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Medieval Swordsmanship: Concepts, Tactics etc
34 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Sparring & Freeplay
18 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
The Viking Shield: Research, Reconstruction, Experimentation
14 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
I.33's First Play: Halpschilt versus Prima
41 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Swords & Equipment: Original and Modern
2 videos
Roland Warzecha (DIMICATOR)
Arms & Armour in Medieval Art