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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Noo Bear

Noo Bear 9700 subscribers    RSS
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2 videos
Noo Bear
Learning Bobbin Lace - My journey
28 videos
Noo Bear
Shuttle tatting: Tat a longs
120 videos
Noo Bear
Shuttle Tatting: Techniques
10 videos
Noo Bear
Tatting - Watch me work
4 videos
Noo Bear
Noo Bear Tips
22 videos
Noo Bear
Tatting - The Newbie List: These videos are listed in watch order so it's easier for newbies to know where to start!
6 videos
Noo Bear
Shuttle Tatting: The Kaleidoscope Project. A mini series on butterflies
3 videos
Noo Bear
Craft for Kids
12 videos
Noo Bear
18 videos
Noo Bear
3 videos
Noo Bear
Cross stitch