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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Paul Barton

Paul Barton 733000 subscribers    RSS
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41 videos
Paul Barton
My Portrait Paintings and Drawings
111 videos
Paul Barton
Mayumi Kato - Piano Music
19 videos
Paul Barton
Art and Music with Elephants in Thailand
12 videos
Paul Barton
Painting Pictures of Music
25 videos
Paul Barton
Mayumi Kato
232 videos
Paul Barton
Emilie's Home-School Activities
21 videos
Paul Barton
Eckhard Deppe - Piano Music
12 videos
Paul Barton
Piano Duets and Two Pianos
11 videos
Paul Barton
Pachelbel Canon in D - 8 arrangements
2 videos
Paul Barton
Saxophone and Piano
2 videos
Paul Barton
Khwan Barton, Wildlife Artist
7 videos
Paul Barton
Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
8 videos
Paul Barton
Frederick Viner Piano Compositions
13 videos
Paul Barton
Our Long-Form Videos
10 videos
Paul Barton
Vivaldi "The Four Seasons" on Piano
14 videos
Paul Barton
24 videos
Paul Barton
33 videos
Paul Barton
Piano Pieces of Moderate Difficulty
3 videos
Paul Barton
Rameau on Piano
22 videos
Paul Barton
Prokofiev Piano Music
19 videos
Paul Barton
3 videos
Paul Barton
Early Music
2 videos
Paul Barton
Edwin F. Kendall - Piano Works
29 videos
Paul Barton
William Gillock - piano
2 videos
Paul Barton
Reinhold Glière - Piano Works
7 videos
Paul Barton
Scott Joplin
93 videos
Paul Barton
Piano for Elephants
-1 videos
Paul Barton
Francis Poulenc - Piano Music
6 videos
Paul Barton
16 videos
Paul Barton
Greig Piano Music