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Twitch > TruelyMostWanted Videos

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LUDUMDAREJAM - GODOT4: "Summoning" 😽 DAY3 😽 C# .NET Rider Godot4.3-dev5 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-15T12:43:47Z
Duration: 4h13m30s
Language: German (Standard)
LUDUMDAREJAM - GODOT4: "Summoning" 😽 DAY 2 😽 C# .NET Rider Godot4.3-dev5 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-14T11:04:59Z
Duration: 8h3m10s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4-GAMEDEV: "Summoning" 😽 Ludum Dare Jam 55 😽 C# .NET Rider Godot4.3-dev5 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-13T11:06:25Z
Duration: 8h56m0s
Language: German (Standard)
From PALMONT to BAYVIEW in 2023: Making yourself a new name! 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-12T11:17:39Z
Duration: 4h45m20s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4-GAMEDEV: Designing new Scene and FileSystem structure 🐈 soon: LudumDareJam 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-09T11:37:49Z
Duration: 5h13m40s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4-GAMEDEV: Designing new Scene and FileSystem structure 🐈 soon: LudumDareJam 😽 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-09T11:37:10Z
Duration: 20s
Language: German (Standard)
The Return To PALMONT CITY [Part 2] 💙 Sequel to Need for Speed Most Wanted 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-05T11:05:12Z
Duration: 7h53m40s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4 GAMEDEV: Animating 2D Characters with Skeletons 💙 MULTISTREAM [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider] [Copilot] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-04T15:19:01Z
Duration: 3h42m10s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4 GAMEDEV: Making Keybind/Controls-Settings and Language-Settings [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider] [Copilot] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-03T11:10:34Z
Duration: 6h1m30s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4 GAMEDEV: Display Settings, Input Settings, Audio Settings, Localization [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-02T11:53:09Z
Duration: 5h18m40s
Language: German (Standard)
GODOT4 GAMEDEV: Display Settings, Input Settings, Audio Settings, Localization [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-04-02T11:52:40Z
Duration: 10s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV [Godot4.3] [C#/.NET] [Rider] -> Lets make a car move in the 3D world 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-30T12:58:25Z
Duration: 3h9m50s
Language: German (Standard)
Returning Home To Palmont - The Afterlife of NFS Most Wanted 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-29T12:07:25Z
Duration: 4h45m10s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV: [Godot4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider]: Car-Controller für ein Racing-Game 💙 Day 6 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-28T12:49:22Z
Duration: 5h49m30s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV: [Godot4.3-dev5] [C#] [Rider]: Car-Physics für ein Racing-Game 💙 Day 5 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-26T12:38:19Z
Duration: 5h26m40s
Language: German (Standard)
Cross sent EVERYONE after us [Modded] 🔥 Completing the Game to 100% 🔥 NFS: World later 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-22T13:05:44Z
Duration: 6h38m50s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV: "Truely Wanted Racers" - Day 4 [Racing-Game] [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#/.NET8] [Rider] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-21T12:34:15Z
Duration: 5h57m30s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV: "Truely Wanted Racers" - Day 3 [Racing-Game] [Godot 4.3-dev5] [C#/.NET8] [Rider] 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-20T12:33:54Z
Duration: 5h21m30s
Language: German (Standard)
GAMEDEV: Hier entsteht ein Rennspiel "Truely Wanted Racers" | Godot 4.3-dev5, .NET8, Rider 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-19T12:45:47Z
Duration: 6h23m40s
Language: German (Standard)
Community Day 2024.5 💙 Von Murmeln, Geistern und Quizfragen 💙 ❗discord ❗kofi ❗itchio
Created at: 2024-03-16T14:00:25Z
Duration: 6h24m40s
Language: German (Standard)