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Invidious (YT)

Twitch > cmgriffing Videos

Live Channels     Categories
Open Source Dev. Neovim Biscuits: an extension to make div or bracket soup more digestible
Created at: 2024-04-13T20:14:59Z
Duration: 5h47m1s
Language: English
Open Source Dev. Neovim Biscuits: an extension to make div or bracket soup more digestible
Created at: 2024-04-12T20:06:35Z
Duration: 5h25m17s
Language: English
Open Source Dev. Let's figure out what to work on specifically.
Created at: 2024-04-11T21:03:05Z
Duration: 5h5m38s
Language: English
Open Source work on GitLens to prep for a GitKraken Workshop I will be hosting. !gitkraken !gitlens
Created at: 2024-04-09T20:33:11Z
Duration: 5h12m13s
Language: English
Open Source work on GitLens to prep for a GitKraken Workshop I will be hosting. !gitkraken !gitlens
Created at: 2024-04-08T19:37:25Z
Duration: 5h26m14s
Language: English
🎉 FRIYAY! Open Source work on GitLens to prep for a GitKraken Workshop I will be hosting. !gitkraken !gitlens
Created at: 2024-04-06T19:35:09Z
Duration: 5h45m52s
Language: English
🎉 FRIYAY! Open Source work on GitLens to prep for a GitKraken Workshop I will be hosting. !gitkraken !gitlens
Created at: 2024-04-05T19:56:28Z
Duration: 8h27m25s
Language: English
Thirsty Thursday Dev Work | Let's figure out what to work on.
Created at: 2024-04-04T19:09:15Z
Duration: 10h43m1s
Language: English
Slidev: New (to me) Slide Presentation Tool. Building out a rough draft of slides for the OTEL video.
Created at: 2024-04-02T20:04:23Z
Duration: 5h12m41s
Language: English
Slidev: New (to me) Slide Presentation Tool. Building out a rough draft of slides for the OTEL video.
Created at: 2024-04-01T19:50:14Z
Duration: 6h31m16s
Language: English
Slidev: New (to me) Slide Presentation Tool. Building out a rough draft of slides for the OTEL video.
Created at: 2024-03-30T20:03:42Z
Duration: 7h2m8s
Language: English
OpenTelemetry + Next.js - Learning from scratch | !otel
Created at: 2024-03-29T19:32:44Z
Duration: 7h9m13s
Language: English
OpenTelemetry + Next.js - Learning from scratch | !otel
Created at: 2024-03-23T19:53:33Z
Duration: 5h26m47s
Language: English
OpenTelemetry + Next.js - Learning from scratch | !otel
Created at: 2024-03-22T20:15:11Z
Duration: 5h44m11s
Language: English
OpenTelemetry + Next.js - Learning from scratch | !otel
Created at: 2024-03-21T20:31:46Z
Duration: 9h29m15s
Language: English
OpenTelemetry + Next.js - Learning from scratch
Created at: 2024-03-19T20:11:22Z
Duration: 5h39m57s
Language: English
Fiddling with OpenTelemtry and creating a fully custom integration for Next.js
Created at: 2024-03-18T20:46:53Z
Duration: 4h34m24s
Language: English
OCAML? 🚩 Vexilla: Feature Flagging for everyone. Statically hosted runtime flags. | !vexilla
Created at: 2024-03-17T18:39:20Z
Duration: 7h59m49s
Language: English
OCAML? 🚩 Vexilla: Feature Flagging for everyone. Statically hosted runtime flags. | !vexilla
Created at: 2024-03-16T20:00:11Z
Duration: 7h18m13s
Language: English
OCAML? 🚩 Vexilla: Feature Flagging for everyone. Statically hosted runtime flags. | !vexilla
Created at: 2024-03-15T20:03:26Z
Duration: 8h49m6s
Language: English