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Invidious (YT)

Twitch > Welya_97 Videos

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Day 2 Mamba 🧪 Farm currency & upgrade du stuff ce soir💰 SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-16T19:36:07Z
Duration: 4m8s
Language: French (Standard)
Ça passe ou ça casse : build dot MÊLÉE ! Mamba Powa 🧪 SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-14T19:14:11Z
Duration: 6h24m20s
Language: French (Standard)
[On vise le Partner pour Octobre ?] Farm des div cards & bossing ce soir 😎⚔️ SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-13T19:20:37Z
Duration: 6h50m0s
Language: French (Standard)
[On vise le Partner pour Octobre ?] Farm des div cards & bossing ce soir 😎⚔️ SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-13T19:15:50Z
Duration: 4m20s
Language: French (Standard)
[On vise le Partner pour Octobre ?] Strongboxes & Blueprint 💰😎 SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-11T19:22:15Z
Duration: 6h0m10s
Language: French (Standard)
[On vise le Partner pour Octobre ?] Strongboxes, Blueprint & Kingsmarch 💰 SUBTEMBER Let's goooo 🚀 !discord
Created at: 2024-09-09T18:31:21Z
Duration: 6h52m40s
Language: French (Standard)
Découverte du 3è boss : The Black Knight ⚔️
Created at: 2024-08-13T17:15:42Z
Duration: 3m16s
Language: French (Standard)
Temps fort : Starter Totems : Freezing Pulse & IS ❄️ RUN A10
Created at: 2024-07-12T23:58:15Z
Duration: 7h7m14s
Language: French (Standard)
Chayula je t'aime, enfin ce chall est validé ! (futur record)
Created at: 2024-06-22T02:02:01Z
Duration: 5m8s
Language: French (Standard)
30 Divine BRUTES en une map : let's go !
Created at: 2024-06-22T01:57:34Z
Duration: 24m33s
Language: French (Standard)
Simulacrum : Ice Nova of Frosbolts est terrible 🫶
Created at: 2024-06-02T14:34:01Z
Duration: 36m24s
Language: French (Standard)
BIG UP GAMBLE : Il m'a fait confiance pour sa MB ! 💎
Created at: 2024-06-01T13:48:06Z
Duration: 3m11s
Language: French (Standard)
1ère Maven en 3 ans de POE > best loot ever 💰🚀🚀
Created at: 2024-05-04T02:22:08Z
Duration: 5m29s
Language: French (Standard)
Created at: 2024-05-02T02:26:30Z
Duration: 6m42s
Language: French (Standard)
Les Rogues Exiles régalent toujours 💰
Created at: 2024-04-26T01:04:49Z
Duration: 8m56s
Language: French (Standard)
Leveling >A10 artillery ballista of cross strafe 🔥🏹
Created at: 2024-04-14T02:43:45Z
Duration: 5h59m47s
Language: French (Standard)