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Invidious (YT)

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Taking a bit of Initiative and checking out the patch 0.4 changes.
Created at: 2024-04-25T11:55:43Z
Duration: 5h23m54s
Language: English
Let's build a wee hamlet.
Created at: 2024-04-20T12:48:11Z
Duration: 7h16m4s
Language: English
Let's read a game, part four - nobles loathe democracy, who knew?
Created at: 2024-04-15T12:13:26Z
Duration: 8h35m16s
Language: English
Let's read a game, part three - abstinent king time.
Created at: 2024-04-14T12:30:14Z
Duration: 7h33m13s
Language: English
Let's read a game, part two - our royal adventures continue.
Created at: 2024-04-13T11:56:20Z
Duration: 8h17m27s
Language: English
Let's read a game - can we be a 'nice reformist' absolute monarch?
Created at: 2024-04-12T11:54:33Z
Duration: 7h57m46s
Language: English
Year three, fall - teleportation towers and galaxy souls.
Created at: 2024-04-11T11:55:50Z
Duration: 5h48m59s
Language: English
Exodus, 2048 - Now, what were we up to?
Created at: 2022-12-18T18:57:29Z
Duration: 8h23m16s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 13 - Dealing with distractions.
Created at: 2022-05-05T04:59:04Z
Duration: 8h12m12s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 12 - Oil endeavours.
Created at: 2022-05-05T04:57:17Z
Duration: 8h29m30s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 11 - Basic bottlerockets and gardening.
Created at: 2022-05-05T04:54:55Z
Duration: 8h12m15s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 10 - Volcanoes, greenhouses and oil.
Created at: 2022-04-30T17:17:50Z
Duration: 6h50m15s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 09 - The hunt for metals.
Created at: 2022-04-30T16:48:56Z
Duration: 8h17m30s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 08 - Diversifying our power portfolio.
Created at: 2022-04-30T16:40:47Z
Duration: 8h14m40s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 07 - New kitchen, better food.
Created at: 2022-04-30T16:13:39Z
Duration: 8h24m12s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 06 - Coal, combustion, conveyors.
Created at: 2022-04-25T06:56:57Z
Duration: 8h16m36s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 05 - Hydrodynamics hypotheticals.
Created at: 2022-04-25T06:29:31Z
Duration: 8h1m45s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 04 - Electrical engineering endeavours.
Created at: 2022-04-25T05:05:27Z
Duration: 7h49m25s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 03 - Beds, bathrooms, breathing.
Created at: 2022-04-25T04:17:34Z
Duration: 8h12m18s
Language: English
Happy Easteroid 02 - Hamster wheel terrarium.
Created at: 2022-04-25T03:56:10Z
Duration: 8h12m48s
Language: English