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Invidious (YT)

Twitch > Likylium Videos

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[66] On découvre une petite pépite sortie récemment! Pixel art et décoration, avec une pointe de lore. // #SummerHouse #JeuIndé #Découverte
Created at: 2024-04-25T19:26:05Z
Duration: 4h29m30s
Language: French (Standard)
[65] Découverte maj 1.6. On recommence du début et on chill au maximum! Aventure sans mods // #StardewValley #Vanilla
Created at: 2024-04-24T18:08:19Z
Duration: 3h33m50s
Language: French (Standard)
[64] Le début d'une petite aventure! On reprend depuis le début afin de faire ça bien // #StardewValley #ModsVisuels
Created at: 2024-04-23T18:06:08Z
Duration: 4h51m10s
Language: French (Standard)
[63] Rank 15 - On continue le masque de revenant! Et ça va poncer des p'tits fiaks de vilains! Pas de spoil/aide non demandée // #Warframe
Created at: 2024-04-22T18:46:05Z
Duration: 4h53m30s
Language: French (Standard)
[62] Rank 14 - Patient Zéro, Masque du revenant et FARDEAU DE HARROW AAAAAAAAAH! J'ai si hâte! Pas de spoil/aide non demandée // #Warframe
Created at: 2024-04-18T19:04:59Z
Duration: 5h32m10s
Language: French (Standard)
[61] Rank 14 - ON A FINI LA GUERRE INTERIEURE! AAAAAAAAAH! TELLEMENT DE NOUVEAU CONTENU! Venez on découvre ça! // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-04-16T19:22:10Z
Duration: 5h52m0s
Language: French (Standard)
[60] Rank 14 - DROPS ON - DE RETOUUUUUUR! Et cette fois c'est bien ma guerre! (Intérieure) Hehehe! PAS DE SPOIL! // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-04-15T19:14:01Z
Duration: 5h6m0s
Language: French (Standard)
[59] Rank 13 - DROPS ON - Dernier Live, retour Mardi soir! RAILJAAAAAAACK! // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-04-03T19:09:22Z
Duration: 3h56m50s
Language: French (Standard)
[58] Rank 12 - DROPS ON - Le RAILJACK dedious! On termine Lua aussi! // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-04-01T20:04:03Z
Duration: 4h24m45s
Language: French (Standard)
[57] BON! ON DEGAGE CE TOIT DE MOUISE ET TANT PIS! Greuh. Nul. Bouh. Ah et on ponce des fessiers aussi! // #Valheim
Created at: 2024-03-28T19:38:15Z
Duration: 4h29m40s
Language: French (Standard)
[56] DROPS ON! - Rank 12 - NO SPOIL BACKSEAT - On a retrouvé la LUUUUUNE! Et je parle pas de mes fess... Euh. Bref. // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-03-27T21:33:40Z
Duration: 3h45m10s
Language: French (Standard)
[56] DROPS ON! - Rank 12 - NO SPOIL BACKSEAT - On a retrouvé la LUUUUUNE! Et je parle pas de mes fess... Euh. Bref. // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-03-27T21:17:13Z
Duration: 13m30s
Language: French (Standard)
[56] DROPS ON! - Rank 12 - NO SPOIL BACKSEAT - On a retrouvé la LUUUUUNE! Et je parle pas de mes fess... Euh. Bref. // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-03-27T19:32:32Z
Duration: 1h43m20s
Language: French (Standard)
[55] DROPS ON! - Rank 11 - NO SPOIL BACKSEAT - Natah, Ô Natah, chat. Ki é tu? On continue de déterrer nos morts! // #Warframe #Drops
Created at: 2024-03-26T20:21:39Z
Duration: 4h9m30s
Language: French (Standard)
[54] Rank 11 - NO SPOIL BACKSEAT - Natah, Ô Natah, chat. Ki é tu? On continue de déterrer nos morts! // #Warframe
Created at: 2024-03-25T19:08:29Z
Duration: 5h51m40s
Language: French (Standard)
Created at: 2024-03-21T19:31:29Z
Duration: 4h17m20s
Language: French (Standard)
[51] Rank 10 - SATURNE - Spoil, Backseat, Aide non réclamée = TO - ON CONTINUE D'AVANCER VERS URANUS! // #Warframe #GiveAway
Created at: 2024-03-20T17:19:06Z
Duration: 6h1m40s
Language: French (Standard)
[50] ARTHOOOOOUUUUURRRRR! CUILLEEEERRRRE! On repart à l'aventure avec Fourchette et Cuillère hehe! // #Valheim
Created at: 2024-03-19T20:59:23Z
Duration: 2h15m10s
Language: French (Standard)
[49] MAIS MAIS MAIS?! Où est Warframe?! Au placard! Pour le moment on part botter des fesses entre pom'potes! NO SPOIL! // #Valheim
Created at: 2024-03-13T20:46:31Z
Duration: 16h51m30s
Language: French (Standard)
[48] Rank 9 - NEW - Spoil / Backseat / Aide non demandée = TO - Je vais faire des fissures '^' Et wé! Pi d'autres choses aussi // #Warframe
Created at: 2024-03-11T19:43:36Z
Duration: 8h2m10s
Language: French (Standard)