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Invidious (YT)

Twitch > Gork2000 Videos

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Highlight: Why Legends of Runeterra is Awesome
Created at: 2020-09-18T07:54:23Z
Duration: 5m46s
Language: English
Highlight: HOTS - AWESOME 5min Match. Pros kick our ass!
Created at: 2020-07-04T08:25:59Z
Duration: 7m16s
Language: English
Highlight: Hades: 1 hour in "Should you play this game" verdict!
Created at: 2019-12-11T22:29:44Z
Duration: 4m48s
Language: English
Highlight En | ZA Vermintide 2 Gork shows you how Bardin deals with his Drunk Uncle!
Created at: 2019-11-08T04:43:02Z
Duration: 1m32s
Language: English
Highlight: En | ZA Vermintide 2: Gork Screams like a terrified Wood Elf Maiden
Created at: 2019-11-04T22:39:50Z
Duration: 4m18s
Language: English
Highlight: En | ZA Vermintide 2: Gork discovers the bloody joys of sword and dagger play!
Created at: 2019-11-04T21:38:06Z
Duration: 3m9s
Language: English
How to deal with Drunk Uncles!
Created at: 2019-11-04T12:08:58Z
Duration: 3m23s
Language: English
Gork turns 2 enemy fighters into FLAMING BALLS OF CONFETTI! 3 x 20mm Cannon G2/Trop
Created at: 2019-10-30T21:49:45Z
Duration: 5m19s
Language: English
Sensei ReApA totally WRECKS a Russian LA7 - EASY MODE
Created at: 2019-10-30T21:37:31Z
Duration: 1m19s
Language: English
Great tips by Sensei ReApA, as well as showing the power of 3x20mm cannons on the G2/Trop
Created at: 2019-10-30T07:47:53Z
Duration: 7m3s
Language: English
Going head on with the BF109 G2/Trop means they will turn into CONFETTI!
Created at: 2019-10-30T07:40:20Z
Duration: 7m51s
Language: English