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Invidious (YT)

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sorcerer 90 !filtro !build !patchnotes !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-21T15:14:55Z
Duration: 9h2m22s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
90 sorc arc !filtro !build !patchnotes !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-20T12:38:37Z
Duration: 9h55m57s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
n sei pq ja to acordado !filter !build !patchnotes !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-19T13:32:15Z
Duration: 16h30m1s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
n sei pq ja to acordado !filter !build !patchnotes !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-18T10:52:06Z
Duration: 9h38m25s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
PoE & Kingpanda !filter !build !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-17T23:42:45Z
Duration: 6h29m5s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
PoE ate o treino !filter !build !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-17T18:51:47Z
Duration: 2h29m25s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
PoE e kingpanda na madruga !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-17T00:19:13Z
Duration: 10h3m10s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
PoE e kingpanda !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-15T22:08:01Z
Duration: 15h23m14s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
PoE e kingpanda !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-13T20:39:41Z
Duration: 4h35m0s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
xdd !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-13T05:15:09Z
Duration: 3h21m21s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
leveling do 0 xdd !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-12T22:31:22Z
Duration: 4h0m43s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
[DROPS ON] PoE> kp > raid !filter !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-12T00:20:06Z
Duration: 6h33m14s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
[DROPS ON] sorcerer gelinho !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-11T18:07:28Z
Duration: 3h11m24s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
[DROPS ON] sorcerer gelinho !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-11T03:07:25Z
Duration: 5h39m55s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
[DROPS ON] sorcerer gelinho !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-10T18:51:29Z
Duration: 5h12m16s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
[DROPS ON] POE !kingpanda !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !membro
Created at: 2024-12-09T19:08:05Z
Duration: 15h13m6s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
31/10/2024 here we go galera | !soh!havit !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !kingpanda
Created at: 2024-12-09T00:58:41Z
Duration: 3h10m4s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
28/10/2024 here we go galera | !havit !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !kingpanda
Created at: 2024-12-09T00:58:15Z
Duration: 6h53m12s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
27/10/2024 WORLDS 2024 - T1 VS GENG | !havit !youtube !congo !regras !livepix
Created at: 2024-12-09T00:57:51Z
Duration: 6h59m40s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)
24/10/2024 dungeons !havit !youtube !congo !regras !livepix !jogos
Created at: 2024-12-09T00:56:54Z
Duration: 7h4m51s
Language: Portuguese (Portugal)