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Invidious (YT)

Twitch > SalvinValkyries Videos

Live Channels     Categories
[!drops] Merc w/ Nades - Chillin' & Levelin' | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-21T05:48:44Z
Duration: 10h36m17s
Language: English
[!drops] Mercenary gas grenades go BOOM! - Chillin' & Levelin' | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-20T04:34:52Z
Duration: 7h57m23s
Language: English
[!drops] The Mercenary Arc Begins - Chillin' & Levelin' | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-19T01:41:23Z
Duration: 10h57m57s
Language: English
[!drops] Night Owl Sesh. | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-18T09:26:23Z
Duration: 5h36m56s
Language: English
[!drops] Endgame In Sight - Act 3 & Trials - Stormweaver | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-17T06:40:13Z
Duration: 12h58m12s
Language: English
[!drops] Can freeze Sorceress still work? - Trials Tonight | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-15T06:08:05Z
Duration: 22h33m8s
Language: English
[!drops] No more freeze? - Act 3 & Trials | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-14T01:43:31Z
Duration: 10h38m52s
Language: English
[!drops] The PoE addiction is strong... Send help! | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-12T17:05:07Z
Duration: 11h53m45s
Language: English
[!drops] 🛑 Waiting on Comet - Act 3 🛑 | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-12T03:24:28Z
Duration: 2h50m21s
Language: English
[!drops] 🛑 ADDICTED 🛑 | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-11T11:58:05Z
Duration: 10h31m55s
Language: English
[!drops] This game is AWESOME! - So much to learn! | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-09T05:55:39Z
Duration: 9h31m5s
Language: English
[!drops] Night Owl PoE - So much to learn! | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-08T07:30:12Z
Duration: 12h33m54s
Language: English
[!DROPS] POE2 LAUNCH! - FAREWELL GRASS! | !socials: SalvinValkyries
Created at: 2024-12-07T02:57:07Z
Duration: 13h8m53s
Language: English
A little Ramage
Created at: 2024-08-18T10:27:02Z
Duration: 2m17s
Language: English
Archery Challenges
Created at: 2024-05-31T13:24:17Z
Duration: 24m5s
Language: English
The Eagle Fight
Created at: 2024-05-30T12:45:59Z
Duration: 4m57s
Language: English
Stratagems can stick to shields!
Created at: 2024-02-25T07:05:50Z
Duration: 1m14s
Language: English
Marty doesn't appreciate proper radio etiquette?
Created at: 2023-12-05T01:59:10Z
Duration: 45s
Language: English
The Walkie-Talkie Saga
Created at: 2023-12-05T01:53:51Z
Duration: 8m51s
Language: English
Marty found his huge cog!
Created at: 2023-12-05T01:32:35Z
Duration: 2m16s
Language: English