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Invidious (YT)

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YT 1 hour 1 minute 16 seconds
Daniel Skupien
Darwinian Evolution: Religion of Death - Dr. Terry Mortenson
YT 30 minutes 23 seconds
Big Problems with the Big Bang Theory
YT 36 minutes 9 seconds
World Video Bible School (WVBS)
5. Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years? | Truth Be Told
YT 9 minutes 35 seconds
Gerrit Aalten
"Second deck" of Noah's ark Mt. Ararat part 2 - 40+ features and structures
YT 1 hour 58 seconds
Answers in Genesis
THIS Is Why Radioactive Dating Methods Are Flawed
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 20 seconds
Answers in Genesis
Genetics CONFIRM a Literal Adam & Eve!
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 23 seconds
Answers in Genesis
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Is FALSE (It’s Time to Replace It) | Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
YT 57 minutes 54 seconds
Answers in Genesis
Atheists Will HATE This Video (Ken Ham)
YT 10 minutes 2 seconds
Kool Buildings
The Ark Encounter - Kentucky
YT 20 minutes 37 seconds
Genesis Apologetics
Dinosaurs and the Bible ("Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth" Series)
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 21 seconds
NW Creation Network
Age of the Creation
YT 1 hour 19 minutes 8 seconds
NW Creation Network
The Wonder of Insect Flight
YT 1 second

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YT 1 hour 21 minutes 34 seconds
NW Creation Network
Fossils: History in Contention
YT 1 hour 44 minutes 7 seconds
Is Genesis History?
Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full Film
YT 22 minutes 36 seconds
Is Genesis History?
Where was the Tower of Babel? - Dr. Douglas Petrovich
YT 51 minutes 22 seconds
Bob Enyart
List of Evidence Against the Big Bang (by RSR)
YT 1 hour 25 minutes 49 seconds
NW Creation Network
Physics Disproves Atheistic Cosmologies
YT 42 minutes
Doctrine of Creation Part 2: Does Genesis 1 Teach Creatio Ex Nihilo?
YT 6 hours 50 minutes 55 seconds
Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
The Importance of Biblical Creation Seminar | Chas Morse | November 5, 2022
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 16 seconds
NW Creation Network
Distant Starlight: Does it Disprove Biblical Creation?
YT 33 minutes 17 seconds
Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt.1
YT 1 hour 6 minutes 47 seconds
Midwest Creation Fellowship
Spike Psarris - Distant Starlight & Biblical Creation
YT 34 minutes 38 seconds
Creation Ministries International
Whale Fossils in the Desert - Evidence for a Worldwide Flood?
YT 48 minutes 37 seconds
Creation Ministries International
Flood Expert Finds Evidence for Noah’s Flood
YT 20 minutes 32 seconds
Is Genesis History?
10,000+ Dinosaurs Buried in Wyoming During Noah's Flood - Dr. Arthur Chadwick