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Invidious (YT)

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DoctrineImportant 1080 subscribers    RSS
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YT 58 minutes 18 seconds
Robert Paul Wieland
Apologetic relevance of the Textus Receptus
YT 17 minutes 40 seconds
Born Again Barbarian
The Scriptural Support For King James Video Ministries
YT 29 minutes 16 seconds
Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel
The real reason Sinaiticus was created
YT 20 minutes 26 seconds
Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel
Tischendorf's Big Mistake
YT 23 minutes 56 seconds
Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel
Was Ahaziah 22 or 42 when he began to reign?
YT 1 hour 51 minutes 35 seconds
Corban University
CorbanTalks | Dr. Bill Mounce - "Translation Philosophies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
YT 2 hours 59 minutes 52 seconds
Faith Based Christian
Debate: Majority text or Critical Text? | Tors-Costa Textual Criticism Debate (HD)
YT 56 minutes 1 second
Dr. Dan Wallace Part I: "Erasmus' Greek New Testament"
YT 4 minutes 56 seconds
Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel
Did the King James Add Words?
YT 51 minutes 39 seconds
Dr. Peter Ruckman Part 1
YT 43 minutes 50 seconds
King James Bible Research Council
What the Editors of the ESV Teach us About the Majority Text - Dr. Phil Stringer
YT 50 minutes 17 seconds
YT 1 hour 39 minutes 29 seconds
9006-The Ante-Nicene Fathers Proves Textus Receptus is The Oldest.flv
YT 1 hour 27 minutes 45 seconds
Amazing Discoveries
Why So Many Bible Versions? The UNTOLD Dark History of Bible Translations | Battle of the Bibles
YT 34 minutes 14 seconds
Dividing Line Highlights
Steven Anderson, Textual Traditionalism and Canonicity
YT 1 hour 34 minutes 28 seconds
Beyond The Fundamentals
Bible Versions: What's The Difference?