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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Gabriel Rodrigues

Gabriel Rodrigues 1020 subscribers    RSS
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YT 30 minutes 59 seconds
Code Sync
Natalia Chechina - Researching with Erlang - Code BEAM STO
YT 37 minutes 32 seconds
Erlang Solutions
Natalia Chechina - Scalable Distributed Erlang
YT 52 minutes 31 seconds
Build Stuff
Natalia Chechina - Scaling robots and other stuff with Erlang
YT 41 minutes 29 seconds
Code Sync
Natalia Chechina - Erlang scales robots - Code BEAM Lite Berlin 18
YT 36 minutes 4 seconds
Domain-Driven Design Europe
Scaling robots - Natalia Chechina - DDD Europe 2020
YT 41 minutes 58 seconds
Code Sync
ROSiE the Robot Operating System in Erlang | Luca Succi | CodeBEAM Europe 2022
YT 35 minutes 56 seconds
ROSiE the Robot Operating System in Erlang by Natalia Chechina & Luca Succi #CodeBEAMLite #FnConf 22
YT 42 minutes 20 seconds
Erlang Solutions
The ABCs of OTP - Jesse J. Anderson