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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie

Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie 66800 subscribers    RSS
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YT 12 minutes 30 seconds
Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie
Why you Should ALWAYS Print Something just Under 24 hours on the PRO 1000 or 1100!
YT 10 minutes 10 seconds
Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie
And you thought PRO CANON Printers wasted a lot of ink!
YT 30 minutes 47 seconds
Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie
More CANON PRO 1100 Printer talk!
YT 17 minutes 49 seconds
Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie
A bit more CHAT about the new CANON IPF PRO 1100!
YT 22 minutes 20 seconds
Jose Rodriguez Photo Printing Techie
So does the CANON PRO 1100 really produce Brighter more VIVID prints? OH REALLY?