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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > TheJason909

TheJason909 132 subscribers    RSS
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YT 15 minutes 41 seconds
I Miss Christendom
why it is the Orthodox who are in schism
YT 2 minutes 27 seconds
Catholic Answers
3 Reasons to be Catholic (and not Orthodox)
YT 20 minutes 46 seconds
Eastern "Orthodoxy's" Fatal Flaw On Bishops & Ecumenical Councils
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 31 seconds
The Meaning of Catholic
Pt. 1 - The Three Greek Schisms
YT 1 hour 55 minutes 46 seconds
The Meaning of Catholic
Greek Schisms Pt. 2: Rise of Constantinople with Erick Ybarra
YT 1 hour 36 minutes
The Meaning of Catholic
Greek Schisms Pt. 3: After Florence with Linden Predy
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 59 minutes 28 seconds
Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted
YT 55 minutes 9 seconds
Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
YT 1 hour 59 minutes 47 seconds
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"
YT 2 hours 5 minutes 49 seconds
The Counsel of Trent
Fr. Josiah’s Orthodox objections to Catholicism (REBUTTED)
YT 2 hours 33 minutes 21 seconds
Elijah Yasi
Part 1: Answering Ubi Petrus on Papal Infallibility
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 23 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
Beards, Azymes and Purgatory with Dr. Edward Siecienski
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
A Simple Primacy of Honor? Answering Eastern Orthodoxy
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 26 seconds
Elijah Yasi
If the Pope is Infallible, Why Do We Need Ecumenical Councils? Answering Ubi Petrus
YT 5 minutes 40 seconds
Catholic Answers
Eastern Orthodoxy and the Arian Heresy
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 22 minutes 34 seconds
Apocrypha Apocalypse
What is 3rd Maccabees? Who used it?
YT 1 hour 14 minutes 9 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
EXPOSING the Dark Side of Orthodox Apologetics w/ Benjamin Cabe
YT 2 hours 5 minutes 49 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
Fr. Josiah Trenham | An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism REFUTED w/ Trent Horn
YT 52 minutes 18 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
Jay Dyer's Inner Circle EXPOSED by Former Dyerite
YT 34 minutes 41 seconds
Catholic Truth
Catholic or Orthodox? (Catholic Bible vs Orthodox Bible)
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 2 hours 32 minutes 47 seconds
Intellectual Catholicism
Vindicating the Filioque: Fr. Thomas Crean, OP & Erick Ybarra
YT 26 minutes 40 seconds
The Michael Lofton Show
The Confused World of Eastern Orthodoxy
YT 5 minutes 52 seconds
Catholic Truth
Orthodox Vs. Catholic on the Pope (Was Peter the First Among Equals?)
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 45 seconds
The Catholic Brothers
Orthodox Christian Blogger Converts to Catholicism!
YT 22 minutes 15 seconds
Unionist Initiative
This ALONE Debunks Eastern Orthodoxy @JayDyer
YT 8 minutes 40 seconds
Matt Fradd
Why Catholics are Right about the Pope! w/ Jimmy Akin
YT 6 minutes 23 seconds
Catholic Truth
Does the Orthodox Church believe in Purgatory? (YES!)
YT 16 minutes 30 seconds
The Jewish Catholic
Orthodox Christian vs Catholic? WHICH TO PICK?!
YT 56 minutes 42 seconds
The Greek Fathers taught the Filioque
YT 20 minutes 32 seconds
ONE Argument DESTROYS Eastern Orthodox HERESY
YT 19 minutes 39 seconds
Scholastic Answers
Eastern Orthodox Apologists DEBUNKED Themselves…
YT 18 minutes 58 seconds
Cameron Riecker
3 Reasons NO ONE Should Be Orthodox
YT 2 hours 16 minutes 45 seconds
Erick Ybarra
What Eastern Orthodox Apologists Miss About the Papacy
YT 24 minutes 3 seconds
Embracing Tradition
Why We Chose Catholicism over Eastern Orthodoxy