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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Revelation TV

Revelation TV 96900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 54 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - How Has The World Changed Since 9/11?
YT 54 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Israels Peace Agreement with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
YT 55 minutes 8 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Why our universities have a problem with anti semitism?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Remembering the 53rd anniversary of the Abortion Act 1967
YT 55 minutes
Revelation TV
Behind the headlines - What is at stake in the US Presidential Election
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - The Fallout of the US Presidential Election
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Overview of Dramatic World Events
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is Spiritual Health Being Threatened With Covid 19 Restrictions?
YT 55 minutes
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is Brexit Still Relevant In The New World Covid-19?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Assassination of the Architect of Iran's Nuclear Weapons Programme mean
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is France Heading For insurgency
YT 55 minutes 7 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Are Aliens Real
YT 56 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the headlines - What Prophetic Events Will Shape 2021
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - International Holocaust Memorial Day
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Persecuted Christians
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - What does Bidens Foreign Policy Appointments mean for Israel
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is Big Tech Silencing Christian Voices
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Are we ignoring the Chinese threat from the East
YT 55 minutes 7 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - The alarming raise in Jew Hatred in Germany fuelled by Covid19
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is the Pope advancing the One World Religion
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Immigration and the New World Order
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Is China Developing the Mark of the Beast
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
The Rise of Lawlessness
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Are we heading for a war with Russia?
YT 55 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Celebrating Israel at 73
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Defending Israel from Prosecution from the International Criminal Court
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Is Covid19 Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Are We Heading Towards a One World Government?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Why is Israel Under Attack and How Should We Respond?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Hey Israel! Do We Really Care? 🇮🇱
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Is America a Friend or Foe of Israel?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Why is Israel key to understanding the End Times?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Are Christians being targeted in these cultural wars?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Would you accept a Global Digital Identity Card?
YT 55 minutes 5 seconds
Revelation TV
The 80th Anniversary of Operation Barbarossa – Nazi Invasion of the Soviet Union
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Why are Christian Millennials not supporting Israel?
YT 58 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Is China to blame for Covid-19?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Is defeat in Afghanistan the end of the US empire?
YT 54 minutes 12 seconds
Revelation TV
Why we should be concerned about the 9th Av
YT 55 minutes 8 seconds
Revelation TV
The Greatest Olympic Story: Eric Liddell verses Harold Abrahams Paris 1924
YT 55 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Is Iran facing ecological disaster or apocalyptic Judgement?
YT 54 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Remembering the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Soviet Union
YT 57 minutes 8 seconds
Revelation TV
Year Review of Behind The Headlines
YT 55 minutes
Revelation TV
Have we forgotten the horrors of 9/11 Twenty Years on?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
How Close are we to Nuclear War?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Why is the Church Silent to the Genocide against Christians in Nigeria?
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Could Iraq Make Peace With Israel in Fulfilment of Biblical Prophecy?
YT 55 minutes 14 seconds
Revelation TV
Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Exposing China’s evil human organ farms
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Has the Harry Potter franchise seduced an entire generation into the occult?
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Is going Green the new Religion?
YT 55 minutes 5 seconds
Revelation TV
Will an EU Army lead to a European Super State?
YT 55 minutes 17 seconds
Revelation TV
Is the Biden Administration attempting to divide Jerusalem?
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 55 minutes 5 seconds
Revelation TV
Remembering the 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbour Attack
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Could Abortions be Outlawed in America?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Could a Russian Invasion of Ukraine spark World War 3?
YT 56 minutes 23 seconds
Revelation TV
The significance of Christmas
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Prophetic News Events That Shaped The World in 2021?
YT 55 minutes 5 seconds
Revelation TV
Is the UN stepping up its hatred for Israel?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Assessment on US President Biden first year in office
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
International Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Is War with Russia Inevitable?
YT 54 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
China's Genocide Winter Olympics 2022
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Is the increase in Aliyah fulfilling Biblical Prophecy
YT 56 minutes 25 seconds
Revelation TV
Canada: Trucking for Freedom against Tyranny
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Can the Ukrainians Defeat the Russian Army?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - How is the War in Ukraine helping to Fulfil Bible Prophecy?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is The Biden Administration Capitulating Iranian Nuclear Demands?
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Does President Putin believe he is waging a holy war in the Ukraine?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is the Abrahamic Family House one step away from One World Religion?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Why is the french Presidential Election of 2022 so Important?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Exposing the War Crimes committed by Russian Forces
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Remembering the 80th Anniversary of Malta receiving the George Cross
YT 55 minutes 3 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is a Digital Currency one Step away from the Mark of The beast?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Why is Israel’s 74th Anniversary so significant?
YT 55 minutes 7 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Are Battle Lines being drawn over abortion in the US?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Could We Witness the breakup of the United Kingdom in less than a generation?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Why does the West ignore persecution of Christians in Nigeria?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Are we approaching a military showdown with Iran?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Should we be concerned about Iran’s terror threat to Israel and the West?
YT 55 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - What does overturning American Federal Abortion Laws mean to God?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Israel under new Management, can Bibi become Israel Prime Minister once again?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Are we taking the Chinese Security Threat Seriously?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is President Biden endangering Israel?
YT 58 minutes 23 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Have we learnt the lesson of the 1972 Olympics in Munich?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Will the credit card chip in your hand become the mark of the Beast?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is Putin playing with Fire in preventing Jewish Aliyah to Israel?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Why are our universities teaching our students to hate Israel?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Why do we need to step up our prayers as the 9th AV approaches?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Why do the World Economic Forum want to take our cars and homes from us?
YT 55 minutes 7 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is President Biden calling for a one-party state?
YT 54 minutes 58 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Will Charles Make a good King?
YT 55 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Two years on from the Abraham Accords is it leading to peace?
YT 55 minutes 2 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Has the Iranian regime gone too far in its war against women?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is the Church silent to the rise of evil?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Is the Archbishop on a collision course with God on Jerusalem?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Will 'Neom' be a City of the Future or a Dystopian Nightmare?
YT 54 minutes 41 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Should Iran be kicked out the Qatar World Cup 2022?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - What anti Semitic theology lies behind Kanye West vile social media posts
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Will the return of "King Bibi" bring more security to Israel?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Will the return of "King Bibi" bring more security to Israel?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Has Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential bid been derailed?
YT 54 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Should Nato now declare Iran an Enemy and a Threat to the West?
YT 54 minutes 5 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Does the Evangelical Church have a problem with Jewish people?
YT 57 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines How did China deceive the world over the Covid19 lab leak
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Historic Tribunal finds vicar guilty of antisemitic activity
YT 55 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Foreign Adventures
YT 55 minutes 39 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Prophetic News Events That Shaped The World in 2022
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - The Reality of Anti Christian Hate Crimes in Israel
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is the Iranian regime stepping up its terror against Britain and the West?
YT 54 minutes 41 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - Does rising Jew Hatred make Holocaust education irrelevant?
YT 55 minutes 31 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Is this the beginning of the end for President Putin?
YT 56 minutes 31 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Unpacking the CST 2023 UK Report on Anti Semitism
YT 54 minutes 45 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Ukraine War One year on, How has it changed the world?
YT 55 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What lies behind Tony Blairs sinister push for Digital ID
YT 54 minutes 54 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is Hamas preparing a third terrorist uprising within weeks?
YT 55 minutes 58 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Are we aware of the increasing dangers of Artificial Intelligence?
YT 54 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - What lies behind the troubling Saudi/Iranian agreement?
YT 55 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What is the truth behind the Israeli Government's proposal to outlaw the Gospel
YT 57 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What does Trump's indictment mean for the future of American Democracy?
YT 57 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Israel's Holy Week of Terror
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines The Worst US Intelligence leak in a decade
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Celebrating Israel at 75
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Will you swear an oath allegiance to King Charles III?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines - The 80th Anniversary of the Dambusters Raid
YT 57 minutes 16 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines War with Gaza
YT 56 minutes 23 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines US Department of State –International Report on Religious Freedom for 2022
YT 56 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Do Israels red heifer cows signify the coming of the Lord?
YT 58 minutes 4 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is Israel heading for a war on multiple fronts?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Are Aliens Real or is this part of the End Times Delusion?
YT 57 minutes 16 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Is Communist North Korea on the verge of starvation?
YT 56 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What lies behind the attempted Wagner Coup against Putin
YT 56 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines France on fire! Has the republic’s experiment with multi culturalism failed?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines The Truth behind the IDF Operation in Jenin against Palestinian Terrorism
YT 56 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines How the discovery of King David's Kingdom proves the accuracy of the Bible
YT 57 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Exposing the Hamas Paramilitary Summer Camps for Kids
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is Israel heading for a constitutional crisis over Judicial Reform TX02 08
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines The 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk the Biggest Tank Battle in Hist
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Did the Holocaust occur on British soil?
YT 57 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Prophetic Review of Summer 2023
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Was Putin behind the death of the leader of the notorious Wagner Group?
YT 54 minutes 52 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - The 30th Anniversary of the Israeli Palestinian Agreement
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What lies behind Saudis World Cup bid and modernisation drive?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines One year on from Mahsa Amini death Why Iranian women shall not be silenced
YT 57 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Why are Armenian Christians in Nagorno -Karabakh fleeing their country?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is uncontrolled mass immigration an existential threat to the west?
YT 57 minutes 16 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Hamas: The gates of Hell are unleashed on Israel
YT 55 minutes 21 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What can we expect from the IDF ground offensive into Gaza?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Prophetic warning: Is jihad coming to the streets of Britain?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Could Israel’s war with Hamas lead to World War III
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Prophetic warning: Raise of Jew Hatred a warning from history!
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Hamas leaders make Billions out of its conflict with Israel!!
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Marking the 60th Anniversary of the assassination of JFK
YT 57 minutes 11 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - How the TikTok Generation are being indoctrinated by Hamas
YT 56 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Palestinians cancel Christmas!
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Should Israel introduce Nuremberg Nazi style trials for captured Hamas terror?
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Lockerbie 35th Anniversary, The deadliest terrorist attack in British history
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - What can we expect for 2024?
YT 57 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Prophetic News Review of 2023
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Why Lawlessness in the US State of Oregon is a warning to us all!
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Are we now heading for more military conflicts around the world?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Is it a coincidence that the British government calls for a Palestinian State
YT 56 minutes 58 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Solidarity Mission to Israel at War
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Visiting Israel’s northern frontline with Hezbollah
YT 56 minutes 54 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines - Two years on from the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine, what has changed?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is Britain in the grip of the Islamists?
YT 57 minutes 41 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Could Britain be facing an Islamist terror attack during Ramadan?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is the Mark of the Beast here?
YT 56 minutes 41 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Canada’s Fast track to authoritarianism is a warning to us all
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is the ISIS K terror attack on Russia just the start?
YT 57 minutes 9 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Will the "God Bless the USA Bible" help Trump win the Presidency?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Six months on from the horrors of October 7th where are we?
YT 57 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines After Iran attacks Israel, is a regional war now on the horizon?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Israel strikes back
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Why the US Presidential Election matters for Christians
YT 56 minutes 46 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is Hamas influencing the British Elections?
YT 57 minutes 21 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Marking Israel at 76
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What does the death of the Iranian President mean for the regime?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Unmasking the Moral and Corrupt ICC agenda against Israel
YT 57 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Marking the 80th Anniversary of D Day
YT 56 minutes 36 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is Operation Arnon a turning point in the Israel/Hamas conflict?
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is the chaos in France a backlash against President Macron’s globalist policies
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Are we at war with Russia?
YT 55 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines General Election 24: What is at stake for Israel?
YT 54 minutes 41 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines General Election 24: What is at stake for Israel?
YT 56 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines  How will British Foreign Policy change under Starmer?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Failed assassination on Trump – What is next?
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines The Greatest Olympic story of all time marks its 100th anniversary
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Remembering the heartbreaking story of Anne Frank 80 years on
YT 57 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Mid Year Review of 2024
YT 58 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind The Headlines Unmasking Kamala Harris
YT 58 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What is the plight of the remaining Israeli hostages?
YT 58 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Damning New Report exposes the BBC’s Bias Against Israel
YT 57 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines One year from the Azerbaijan invasion of Armenia Does the world even care?
YT 58 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Are we witnessing God’s wrath against Hezbollah?
YT 58 minutes 1 second
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Does the death of Hezbollah Terror Chief signify a new era for Middle East?
YT 58 minutes 6 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Is facial recognition technology leading us to the mark of the beast?
YT 57 minutes 36 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What lies behind the UN’s $1.3 Billion funding of Hamas?
YT 57 minutes 51 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines What message is God telling us with the discovery of Noahs Ark?
YT 57 minutes 56 seconds
Revelation TV
Behind the Headlines Why Trump needs Evangelical Christians to win the Presidency!