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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > 스윙댄스 Lindy Explorer

스윙댄스 Lindy Explorer 3120 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
스윙댄스 Lindy Explorer
Nalla & Jessica Collection
YT 3 minutes 46 seconds
스윙댄스, 스위티스윙-sweetyswing
스윙댄스, 스위티스윙 108회 졸업공연 12 지터벅1조 골반 찾아조라조
YT 5 minutes 16 seconds
스윙댄스 Lindy Explorer
[스동/레어영상] SilverShadows (Skye Frida Peter Ramona Andy Nina Todd Naomi) @ KLR 2008 스윙댄스 린디합
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
2009 Korea Swing Festival -1000 People Shim Sham
YT 13 minutes 55 seconds
Crystal Lee
2018 위댄스 페스티벌 스윙댄스 라인 '심샘'
YT 3 minutes 6 seconds
[69학기 올어바웃스윙 졸업공연] 미락
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW 2017 - Short Case - Advanced Solo/Duo - "Andy & Charlie"
YT 2 minutes 19 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW 2018 - Short'case - Team - "A.J.C" - 3rd Place [4K]
YT 2 minutes 42 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW2020 - Short Showcase (Open) - All That Jazz
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
[SWING IT EVENTS] CSI, BSF, The Battle Series, etc.
KLHC 2017 Jack and Jill All-Star Division Finals: CHA CHANG HO & Sangmi Heo
YT 2 minutes 12 seconds
Joshua Heo
Seoul LindyFest2017: Couple Showcase - 별포차 & 나봉 (2nd place)
YT 2 minutes 54 seconds
[SWING IT EVENTS] CSI, BSF, The Battle Series, etc.
KLHC 2019 Lindy Hop Classic (couple) : Jake Ju / YUYU
YT 2 minutes 23 seconds
Joshua Heo
SeoulLindyFest2019 - Team Shortcase - Supremes (1st place)
YT 8 minutes 6 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW2020 - Solo Jazz Improvisation (Finals) - Adv./All-Star
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
스윙 스테이션 - 문화역서울 284 / Swing Station - Culture Station Seoul 284 / 안단테 & 태
YT 2 minutes 55 seconds
The International Lindy Hop Championships
ILHC 2019: Open Classic Finals - Junsuk & Solji
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW2019 - Short'Case (Count Basie) - Supremes - 1st Place
YT 4 minutes 25 seconds
Eat, Play, Shoot
2019 All That Jazz / Lindy Party Opening Show
YT 2 minutes 24 seconds
The Sweet Heart (Authentic Jazz Weekend)
AJW2020 - Short Showcase (Open) - Chopsticks
YT 5 minutes 52 seconds
스윙댄스 Lindy Explorer
Lindyhop/ Tap - Frankie Manning, Dawn Hampton and Chazz Young @ Wild Week 1995 스윙댄스 린디합