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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Rob Scallon

Rob Scallon 2560000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 24 minutes 24 seconds
Rob Scallon
Glass Armonica (spinning glass bowls... that break)
YT 29 minutes 53 seconds
Rob Scallon
Pipe Organ (An instrument the size of a building)
YT 23 minutes 51 seconds
Rob Scallon
Theremin (An instrument you play by not touching it)
YT 36 minutes 3 seconds
Rob Scallon
Carillon (A tower filled with 100 tons of bells)
YT 22 minutes 39 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Koto (13 string Japanese traditional instrument)
YT 28 minutes 21 seconds
Rob Scallon
Saw (an instrument that can cut you in half)
YT 22 minutes 16 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Kora (21 string Gambian traditional instrument)
YT 16 minutes 38 seconds
Rob Scallon
Theorbo (The enormous 14 string lute)
YT 45 minutes 42 seconds
Rob Scallon
Modular Synth (not a spaceship, this is an instrument)
YT 16 minutes 2 seconds
Rob Scallon
The B-Bender Guitar (the strap pulls the b string)
YT 19 minutes 43 seconds
Rob Scallon
Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)
YT 20 minutes 39 seconds
Rob Scallon
Harp (44 strings of absolute beauty… and sometimes farts)
YT 21 minutes 58 seconds
Rob Scallon
Sitar (19 strings that aren't as complicated as they seem... well maybe.)
YT 12 minutes 9 seconds
Rob Scallon
Hurdy Gurdy (The medieval wheel instrument)
YT 9 minutes 50 seconds
Rob Scallon
Mouth Harp (a harp for your mouth)
YT 8 minutes 49 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Whammy-Caster
YT 18 minutes 42 seconds
Rob Scallon
Craziest Guitars I’ve Ever Seen (w/ Michael Angelo Batio)
YT 16 minutes 20 seconds
Rob Scallon
What guitars were like 400 years ago (The 9 String Baroque Guitar)
YT 7 minutes 45 seconds
Rob Scallon
Rob Scallon vs. the OP-1
YT 23 minutes 10 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Saxophone (...caused more bankruptcy than you’d imagine)
YT 11 minutes 19 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Djent Djenerator
YT 55 minutes 12 seconds
Rob Scallon
The History of Guitar
YT 31 minutes 39 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Most Expensive White Noise Machine
YT 25 minutes 50 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Great Stalacpipe Organ (a cave that you play)
YT 25 minutes 25 seconds
Rob Scallon
Learning the Banjo (w/ a Pro)
YT 18 minutes 21 seconds
Rob Scallon
Talk Box (blasting sound into your mouth)
YT 34 minutes 30 seconds
Rob Scallon
Learning the Accordion (w/ a Pro)
YT 27 minutes 49 seconds
Rob Scallon
Spinning Guitar (with a motor)
YT 21 minutes 31 seconds
Rob Scallon
The Greek Lyra (made to party!)
YT 13 minutes 26 seconds
Rob Scallon
Learning the Cello (w/ a Pro)