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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Tom Munnecke

Tom Munnecke 401 subscribers    RSS
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YT 11 minutes 52 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Philip Longman, talks about the role of computers and VA achieving "The Best Care anywhere."
YT 4 minutes
Tom Munnecke
Nancy Tomich describing how the Underground Railroad got its name
YT 6 minutes 50 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Interview with John O'Neill, Ted O'Neill's son
YT 8 minutes 32 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Tribute to Ted O'Neill and his contributions to ANS MUMPS and VistA
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Deborah Peel of the Patient Privacy Rights Foundation
YT 9 minutes 26 seconds
Tom Munnecke
MIT professor Peter Szolovitz on the History of the personal health IT
YT 12 minutes 31 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Dan Maloney
YT 17 minutes 19 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Marty Johnson
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 34 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Henry Heffernan
YT 6 minutes 48 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Nancy Tomich
YT 8 minutes 8 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Ruth Dayhoff
YT 22 minutes 50 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Tom Munnecke
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Vince Brannigan
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Milt Roberson
YT 25 minutes 19 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Rob Kolodner
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Deborah Peel of the Patient Privacy Rights Foundation
YT 16 minutes 54 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Ross Fletcher, MD talks about Vista as new care model
YT 8 minutes 24 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Rick Marshall at 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Eric O'Neill at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 3 minutes 32 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Charlene Ray at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 3 minutes 34 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Linda Fischetti at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Bhaskar at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 10 minutes 13 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Rob Kolodner 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Ross Fletcher 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Eric O'Neill at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Fabian Lopez at the 2011 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 46 minutes 43 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Tom Munnecke interviews Beth Whitney-Teeple regarding the first VA/DoD health record interface
YT 12 minutes 36 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Ross Fletcher presentation to 2012 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 28 minutes 24 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Joseph Dal Molin discusses history of World VistA at 2012 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 43 minutes 21 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Interview with Tom Munnecke regarding history of the VA VistA system
YT 10 minutes 41 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Ross Fletcher presentation at the 2014 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 2 minutes 36 seconds
Tom Munnecke
2014 Underground Railroad award to Christopher Edwards
YT 2 minutes 37 seconds
Tom Munnecke
Aaron Drew at the 2014 Underground Railroad Banquet
YT 25 seconds
Tom Munnecke
John ONeill Thank You 2014 Underground Railroad banquet
YT 5 minutes 22 seconds
Tom Munnecke
VistA in Jordan, Unlimited Free Passage Award to Dr. Rami Farraj, accepted by Omar Shboul