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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Nicholas Johnson

Nicholas Johnson 680 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 minute 38 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
Laser cleaning exhaust manifolds
YT 45 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
60+ years of grime scraped off motor bay #automobile
YT 35 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
Laser cleaning the engine bay again #automobile
YT 16 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
Laser cleaning the engine bay again pt2 #automobile
YT 4 minutes 17 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
Laser cleaning a 1958 Cadillac 365 engine block
YT 41 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
Laser cleaning 50+ years of grime #lasercleaner
YT 47 seconds
Nicholas Johnson
1958 Cadillac Fleetwood Back to life (sorta)