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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Dimitri Monroe

Dimitri Monroe 48900 subscribers    RSS
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YT 52 minutes 24 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
No one understands Amy Rose (especially not Ian Flynn)
YT 34 minutes 44 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
How This Anime Company Lied To You | It wasn't just JelloApocalypse
YT 57 minutes 54 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
The Global Standard | Colonizing Japan (Square Enix, Sony, Pokemon & More...)
YT 55 minutes 11 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
The End of “Localization”: Is the replacement better? | Analyzing Decades Past
YT 53 minutes 30 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Guilty Gear XY: The Bridget Retcon Investigated | A Buried History Unearthed
YT 19 minutes 51 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Why Are LOCALIZERS Taking Away YOUR Traps & Femboys?
YT 42 minutes 15 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
The Crimes Of Modern Localization
YT 26 minutes 52 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Your ‘Optics’ DON'T Actually Matter | The Lesson “Gamergate” Failed to Learn
YT 46 minutes 12 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Twitch Has Become an Embarrassment
YT 18 minutes 3 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Pokemon I Choose You! Chooses To Disappoint
YT 5 minutes 20 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Why Kotaku & Polygon Are Wrong About Catherine
YT 11 minutes 4 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
When Did Pokemon Stop Being Good?
YT 10 minutes 50 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
How To (NOT) Localize Video Games
YT 7 minutes 14 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
The Problem With LGBT Writing In Games
YT 6 minutes 41 seconds
Dimitri Monroe
Why Polygon Is Wrong About Persona 5