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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Timothy Dyck

Timothy Dyck 178000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 13 minutes 10 seconds
Timothy Dyck
Building a new axe model!! Day 1
YT 8 minutes 10 seconds
Timothy Dyck
BLACKHAWK AXE Tooling! Day 2
YT 9 minutes 15 seconds
Timothy Dyck
Tooling For Building Axes - Day 3
YT 6 minutes 32 seconds
Timothy Dyck
Blackhawk Axe Tooling - Day 4
YT 8 minutes 17 seconds
Timothy Dyck
Making Tooling for the Blackhawk Axe - Day 5
YT 17 minutes 49 seconds
Timothy Dyck
How to build a perfect axe drift
YT 24 minutes 45 seconds
Timothy Dyck
Forging an axe from train rail.