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Invidious (YT)

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Shakespeare's Globe 136000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 minute 24 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'Broken homes make broken people' | Ghosts (2023) | Act 1 scene 4 | Ibsen | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 4 minutes
Shakespeare's Globe
'You'll feel differently' | Othello (2024) | Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Season 2023/24
YT 47 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
Feature trailer | Ghosts (2023) | Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Season 2023/24
YT 1 minute 40 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'A road made of bits of bread' | Poet Laureate Simon Armitage reads from Hansel and Gretel (2023/24)
YT 37 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
Singing, dancing and sweets! | Hansel and Gretel (2023) | Winter 2023/24 | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 minute 26 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'There are ghosts everywhere' | Ghosts (2023) | Act 2 Scene 7 | Henrik Ibsen | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 minute 18 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
Secrets and Lies | Ghosts (2023) in rehearsal | Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Season 2023/24
YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'Hansel and Gretel' Live in rehearsals | Hansel and Gretel (2023) | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 59 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
Feature trailer | Othello (2024) | Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Season 2023/24
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'This only is the witchcraft I have used' | Act 1 scene 3 | Othello (2024) | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 minute 1 second
Shakespeare's Globe
Feature trailer | The Duchess of Malfi (2024) | Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Season 2023/24
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
'I'll not endure it' | Act III scene 3 | Othello (2024) | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 minute 41 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
The Duchess Proposes to Antonio | Act 1 scene 3 | The Duchess of Malfi (2024) | Shakespeare's Globe
YT 1 minute 5 seconds
Shakespeare's Globe
Othello's handkerchief speech | Act 3 scene 4 | Othello (2024) | Shakespeare's Globe