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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Jake 'The Voice' Parr

Jake 'The Voice' Parr 6880 subscribers    RSS
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YT 4 minutes 48 seconds
JTV Music
Feeling So Hollow And Frail ['Atmos Fear']
YT 4 minutes 29 seconds
JTV Music
The World Still Turns ['Atmos Fear']
YT 7 minutes 50 seconds
JTV Music
One Final Walk Before Requiem (Extended Mix) ['Fading Away Into Nothing' Single]
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
JTV Music
Fading Away Into Nothing (Extended Mix) ['Fading Away Into Nothing' Single]
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
JTV Music
Headaches On A Rainy Night (Remix by I, Eternal - Edit) ['Mind-Killer']
YT 6 minutes 21 seconds
JTV Music
D.I.Y. Trephination (Remix by I, Eternal - Edit) ['Mind-Killer']
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
JTV Music
A Violent Dance Of Fear And Anger (Remix By I, Eternal - Edit) ['Mind-Killer']
YT 2 minutes 36 seconds
JTV Music
Obsessive Fanaticism ['Insanitation']
YT 8 minutes 44 seconds
JTV Music
Mental Erosion ['Insanitation']
YT 3 minutes 29 seconds
JTV Music
Out Of My Mind [Crunch Mix] (Feat. Forwyrd) ['Insanitation']
YT 3 minutes 39 seconds
JTV Music
Your New Truth ['Insanitation']
YT 7 minutes 25 seconds
JTV Music
Bad Dream #3 - The Bombed City ['Insanitation']
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
JTV Music
Unpleasant Interlude (Eating Away The Gloominess) ['Insanitation']
YT 4 minutes 37 seconds
JTV Music
Dissociative Drum Beats ['Insanitation']
YT 4 minutes 13 seconds
JTV Music
(Hatred Is) Your Only Engine of Survival ['Insanitation']
YT 4 minutes 2 seconds
JTV Music
Another Civil War In The Brain ['Insanitation']
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
JTV Music
Bad Dream #2 - Get The Hell Out Of My Memories ['Insanitation']
YT 4 minutes 14 seconds
JTV Music
Bad Dream #1 - Behind The Wheel of a Speeding Car ['Insanitation']
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 17 seconds
The Finest
When Officers Save Girlfriends From Abusive Boyfriends
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
JTV Music
Fading Away Into Nothing ['Insanitation']
YT 3 minutes 58 seconds
JTV Music
Corpses In The Waters (Drained Canal Mix) ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 7 minutes 7 seconds
JTV Music
An Oppressive Realm ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 4 minutes 24 seconds
JTV Music
Mind Infection ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 5 minutes 6 seconds
JTV Music
Shambler Territory ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 5 minutes 22 seconds
JTV Music
Corpses In The Waters ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 2 minutes 13 seconds
JTV Music
Gloom Internal (Intro) ['Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP']
YT 4 minutes 28 seconds
JTV Music
Molten Massacre (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 4 minutes 14 seconds
JTV Music
River Styx (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 4 minutes 48 seconds
JTV Music
The Web We've Woven (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 6 minutes 10 seconds
JTV Music
Bad Neighbourhood Coming Up! (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 5 minutes 31 seconds
JTV Music
Celestial Gardener (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 4 minutes 1 second
JTV Music
The Earth is Hungry (Redux) ['Deliver Unto Evil Redux - POSTAL Tribute Remix EP']
YT 55 minutes 59 seconds
Mom Realizes Police Discovered Her Horrifying Secret
YT 1 minute 49 seconds
JTV Music
Lamentation For The Fallen ['Funeral Procession For An Extinguished Soul' B-Side]
YT 28 minutes 6 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Beyond The Slipgate - Quake Tribute EP By Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 25 minutes 58 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Atmos-Fear - Dark Ambience EP by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 13 minutes 58 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Funeral Procession For An Extinguished Soul - Dark Ambience Single by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 30 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Funeral Procession For An Extinguished Soul - NEW SINGLE COMING SOON
YT 50 minutes 37 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Insanitation - Dark Ambience Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 16 minutes 32 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Fading Away Into Nothing - Dark Ambience Single by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 58 minutes 28 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Mind-Killer - Dark Ambience Remix Album By Jake 'The Voice' Parr & I, Eternal
YT 3 minutes 2 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Sentient Factory (Lee Jackson Remix) - Dark Ambience Track By Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 1 minute 15 seconds
HEADHUNTER Pre-Alpha - The Bunker
YT 1 minute 35 seconds
HEADHUNTER - Rudimentary menus
YT 2 minutes 39 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
A Moment of Calm Before Self-Destruction (Overloaded Mix)
YT 5 minutes 40 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Emotional Asphyxiation (Clawing at the Skin Mix)
YT 9 minutes 36 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Out of Focus (In Dub) (Edit)
YT 5 minutes 43 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Safer in the Shadows (Private Hell)
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Unfamiliar Worlds (Clout Chaser G.N.E. Mix)
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Do They Still Despise Me?
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
A Very Painful Month (Version)
YT 5 minutes 27 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Define the Cycle of Insanity (Mix 2)
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Bitter Pills to Swallow
YT 2 minutes 59 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Safer in the Shadows
YT 5 minutes 20 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Another Misunderstanding
YT 8 minutes 27 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Violent Fluid
YT 4 minutes 9 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
It Gets Worse
YT 6 minutes
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Wasting the Progress I Made
YT 23 minutes 4 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
February Was a Very Painful Month
YT 5 minutes 45 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Sanity in Decay
YT 4 minutes 46 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
The Fan Will Do the Breathing for Me
YT 6 minutes 6 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
More Bad Thoughts Brewing
YT 4 minutes 27 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
A Violent Dance of Fear and Anger
YT 7 minutes 3 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
D.I.Y. Trephination
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
YT 4 minutes 46 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Laying In Bed, Waiting For The End
YT 3 minutes 24 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Out Of All The Things I Miss (Single Mix)
YT 3 minutes 12 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Peace of Mind Feels Out Of Reach (Alternate Mix)
YT 2 minutes 54 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
An Uncomfortable Recap (It Will Happen Again)
YT 6 minutes 26 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Blinded by Brain Fog
YT 5 minutes 33 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Out of Focus
YT 3 minutes 57 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Red Stains, Pt. 1
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
An Uncertain Future Ahead
YT 5 minutes
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Barbed Wire Embrace
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
... They Despise Me
YT 4 minutes 35 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
YT 4 minutes 7 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Pulsating Headaches
YT 8 minutes 32 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Red Stains, Pt. 2
YT 4 minutes 38 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Unfamilar Worlds
YT 3 minutes 24 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Out Of All The Things I Miss (Single Mix) - Dark Ambience Track By Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 38 minutes 55 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Storm Before The Calm - Dark Ambience/Industrial Album By Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 53 minutes 48 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Manipulations, Part 2 - Dark Ambience Remix Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 52 minutes 20 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Manipulations - Dark Ambience Remix Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 57 minutes 52 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
National Dissociation - Dark Ambience Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 25 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Crawling Across Fragments - Dark Ambience Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 39 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr
Heavy Mental - Dark Ambience Album by Jake 'The Voice' Parr
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Breakdown (From Communication to Mental)
YT 2 minutes 28 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Emotional Asphyxiation (Reprise)
YT 4 minutes 51 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Emotional Asphyxiation
YT 4 minutes 3 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
A Moment of Calm Before Self-Destruction
YT 5 minutes 42 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
D.I.Y. Surgery with Scissors
YT 5 minutes 15 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
The Perpetrator In The Mirror
YT 10 minutes 25 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Once Friends, But Now...
YT 8 minutes 21 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Meaningless Tears?
YT 3 minutes 13 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
This Has to Stop
YT 8 minutes 13 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Define the Cycle of Insanity
YT 3 minutes 38 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Nothing Changes (Soil Heart)
YT 4 minutes 11 seconds
Jake 'The Voice' Parr - Topic
Further Downward, Back to Start