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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Ted Thompson

Ted Thompson 61 subscribers    RSS
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YT 23 minutes 37 seconds
Ted Thompson
Launch of EVE II Probe
YT 1 hour 22 minutes 11 seconds
Ted Thompson
EVE II (Venera 10) to EVE!
YT 23 minutes 31 seconds
Ted Thompson
Vostok I / Boctok I
YT 21 minutes 1 second
Ted Thompson
ROMBUS Launch 1
YT 43 minutes 20 seconds
Ted Thompson
KERVANT II Launch to orbit
YT 9 minutes 14 seconds
Ted Thompson
YT 13 minutes 32 seconds
Ted Thompson
Launch of Cyclops I
YT 15 minutes 10 seconds
Ted Thompson
Successful Polyus-Energia launch!
YT 26 minutes 1 second
Ted Thompson
Buran Launch!