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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > DJ Peach Cobbler

DJ Peach Cobbler 484000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 19 minutes 18 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Identity Crisis: Why Halo may be Infinite
YT 18 minutes 46 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Why I didn't Review Far Cry 6
YT 13 minutes 23 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How Elden Ring may Dunk on Game of Thrones
YT 13 minutes 24 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Chernobylite Review: Expect Nothing
YT 10 minutes 50 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
E3 2021 Reviewed - Casual Cobbler
YT 31 minutes 18 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Grand Theft Auto 3 Retrospective: A Disappointing Foundation
YT 14 minutes 19 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Failure of Far Cry: Blood Dragon
YT 11 minutes 4 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Tedium of The Medium
YT 13 minutes 16 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Why I'm Afraid of STALKER 2
YT 31 minutes 35 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Redemption of Cyberpunk 2077
YT 23 minutes 8 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
TOP 5 GAMES of 2020
YT 21 minutes 10 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Tragedy of Dark Souls 3's Bosses
YT 32 minutes 20 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The History of Valve: Outsiders and Innovators PART 1
YT 21 minutes 58 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Before Cyberpunk 2077: The Importance of Being Political
YT 18 minutes 26 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Microsoft Bought Bethesda: The Importance of a Good Reputation
YT 11 minutes 43 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Subtle Horror of Muddy Textures
YT 1 hour 50 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Bioshock Retrospective: A Legacy of Beautiful Failures
YT 20 minutes 49 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Game You SHOULD Be Hyped For
YT 13 minutes 56 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Skyrim: A Bittersweet Masterpiece
YT 21 minutes 57 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Identity Crisis: Why Halo isn't Infinite
YT 31 minutes 37 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Ritualistic Sacrifice of Death Stranding
YT 12 minutes 56 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Why Most "Serious" AAA Games Have the Same Protagonist
YT 18 minutes 12 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Last of Us Part 2's Critical Flaw
YT 19 minutes 21 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How Doom Eternal Forces you into the "Fun Zone"
YT 14 minutes 47 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Joy of Addiction
YT 17 minutes 59 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How a Lack of Heart Killed Far Cry: New Dawn
YT 23 minutes 3 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How Far Cry 3 Told a Story That Only a Game Could Tell
YT 11 minutes 52 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How STALKER Gets Factions Right
YT 14 minutes 6 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Why I Hate Difficult Games but Love S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
YT 19 minutes 5 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How Fallout's Wasteland Broke My Gen-Z Brain
YT 16 minutes 2 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
How a Lack of Confidence Killed Shadow Warrior 2
YT 15 minutes 26 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Why I'm Still Playing Fallout 76
YT 17 minutes 44 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Flash Game that Actually Mattered
YT 21 minutes 17 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The (last) Elden Ring Review
YT 19 minutes 46 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Game of the Year 2022
YT 21 minutes 28 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
A P̸̮͔̘̀͘o̴͊l̶̢̍̒i̴t̴́ì̷̇ĉ̵̠̏á̴̈́̊l Hardspace Shipbreaker Review
YT 26 minutes 21 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
The Last Game of the Year
YT 22 minutes 40 seconds
DJ Peach Cobbler
Grand Theft Auto IV Belongs in a Museum