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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Alexander Massey

Alexander Massey 4120 subscribers    RSS
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YT 10 minutes 22 seconds
OpenLearn from The Open University
Shakespeare: Original pronunciation (The Open University)
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
Speak Up Spkextravideos
How to Talk Like Shakespeare
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Shakespeare on Toast
RP vs OP - Shakespeare on Toast
YT 2 minutes 32 seconds
Shakespeare on Toast
Original Pronunciation - Hamlet | To Be, or not to be... | Ben Crystal
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 6 seconds
South Bank Show Special - Word of Mouth RSC (1979)
YT 1 hour 36 seconds
Shakespearean Comedy
YT 1 hour 50 seconds
YT 1 hour 41 seconds
YT 1 hour 37 minutes 50 seconds
Emory University
Shakespearean Acting Workshop by Stephen Unwin
YT 49 minutes 8 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 1 of 9 The Two Traditions 1984 VHSrip
YT 49 minutes 9 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 2 of 9 Using The Verse 1984 VHSrip
YT 51 minutes 2 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 3 of 9 Language & Character 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 51 minutes 24 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 4 of 9 Set Speeches & Soliloquies 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 50 minutes 39 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 5 of 9 Irony & Ambiguity 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 51 minutes 25 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 6 of 9 Passion & Coolness 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 52 minutes 41 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 7 of 9 Rehearsing A Text 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 50 minutes 49 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 8 of 9 Exploring A Character 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 52 minutes 33 seconds
John Stuart
RSC Playing Shakespeare 9 of 9 Poetry & Hidden Poetry 1984 VHSrip xvid
YT 1 hour 9 minutes 47 seconds
Shakespeare at Notre Dame
Nicholas Hytner Lecture on How to do Shakespeare
YT 28 minutes 38 seconds
John Muir
A Shakespearean Actor On Acting
YT 52 minutes 44 seconds
Playing Shakespeare (Judi Dench)
YT 1 hour 47 seconds
Politics and Prose
Emma Smith, "This Is Shakespeare"
YT 1 hour 8 minutes 32 seconds
Penguin Books UK
This is Shakespeare by Emma Smith | Live at Conway Hall