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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > the gaming hell youtube thing

the gaming hell youtube thing 738 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #1 - Mystic Dream ~ Snow or Cherry Petal (Title Screen)
YT 2 minutes 40 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #2 - Paradise ~ Deep Mountain (Stage 1 Theme)
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #3 - Crystalised Silver (Letty Whiterock's Theme)
YT 4 minutes 15 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #4 - The Fantastic Legend of Tohno (Stage 2 Theme)
YT 1 minute 48 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #5 - Withered Leaf (Chen's Theme)
YT 4 minutes 1 second
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #6 - The Doll Maker of Bucuresti (Stage 3)
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #7 - Doll Judgment (Alice Margatroid's Theme)
YT 8 minutes 2 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #8 - The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky (Stage 4)
YT 4 minutes 38 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #9 - Phantom Ensemble (Prismriver Sisters' Theme)
YT 4 minutes 47 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #10 - Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple (Stage 5 Theme)
YT 3 minutes 37 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #11 - Hiroari Shoots A Strange Bird ~ Till When? (Youmu Konpaku's Theme)
YT 1 minute 52 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #12 - Ultimate Truth (Stage 6 Theme)
YT 4 minutes 30 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #13 - Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome (Yuyuko Saigyouji's Theme)
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #14 - Border of Life (Yuyuko Saigyouji's Second Theme)
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #15 - Charming Domination (Extra Stage Theme)
YT 7 minutes 5 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #16 - A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-Fantasy (Ran Yakumo's Theme)
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #17 - Charming Domination ~ Who Done It? (Phantasm Theme)
YT 5 minutes 32 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
PCB Soundtrack #18 - Necrofantasia (Yukari Yakumo's Theme)
YT 2 minutes 40 seconds
the gaming hell youtube thing
BONUS! Perfect Cherry Blossom Soundtrack #2 - Paradise ~ Deep Mountain (Stage 1)