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Invidious (YT)

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YT 28 minutes 30 seconds
The Texas Tribune
The Legislature Explained
YT 27 minutes 46 seconds
The Texas Tribune
The Phelan Administration
YT 29 minutes 7 seconds
The Texas Tribune
The Senate Agenda
YT 29 minutes 9 seconds
The Texas Tribune
The House Agenda
YT 26 minutes 16 seconds
The Texas Tribune
Drawing The Maps
YT 27 minutes 38 seconds
The Texas Tribune
Writing the Budget
YT 28 minutes 2 seconds
The Texas Tribune
What the Women's Bloc Wants
YT 30 minutes 18 seconds
The Texas Tribune
What the Black Caucus Wants
YT 31 minutes 47 seconds
The Texas Tribune
Reporter's Roundtable
YT 26 minutes 11 seconds
The Texas Tribune
Meet The New Members