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This Day in History 8620 subscribers    RSS
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YT 49 seconds
This Day in History
United States tests first hydrogen bomb
YT 46 seconds
This Day in History
Truman defeats Dewey
YT 45 seconds
This Day in History
President Nixon calls on the “silent majority”
YT 51 seconds
This Day in History
Native American Victory in the Battle of the Wabas
YT 59 seconds
This Day in History
300 Santee Sioux sentenced to hang in Minnesota
YT 49 seconds
This Day in History
Abraham Lincoln elected president
YT 38 seconds
This Day in History
Battle of Belmont, Missouri
YT 55 seconds
This Day in History
Hitler survives assassination attempt
YT 45 seconds
This Day in History
East Germany opens the Berlin Wall
YT 59 seconds
This Day in History
George W. Bush addresses the United Nations regarding terrorism
YT 47 seconds
This Day in History
Nat Turner executed in Virginia
YT 57 seconds
This Day in History
The destruction of Atlanta begins
YT 52 seconds
This Day in History
General George McClellan snubs President Lincoln
YT 40 seconds
This Day in History
United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia
YT 45 seconds
This Day in History
President Carter hosts shah of Iran
YT 39 seconds
This Day in History
Francisco Pizarro traps Incan emperor Atahualpa
YT 44 seconds
This Day in History
Nixon insists that he is “not a crook”
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 47 seconds
This Day in History
President Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address
YT 57 seconds
This Day in History
Nuremberg trials begin
YT 51 seconds
This Day in History
George Washington orders General Lee to New Jersey
YT 40 seconds
This Day in History
President John F Kennedy is assassinated
YT 1 minute 1 second
This Day in History
President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras
YT 41 seconds
This Day in History
Sumatran rhino officially declared extinct in Malaysia
YT 47 seconds
This Day in History
Battle of Lookout Mountain
YT 43 seconds
This Day in History
U S Army retaliates for the Little Bighorn defeat
YT 58 seconds
This Day in History
Chinese counterattacks in Korea change nature of war
YT 54 seconds
This Day in History
Pope Urban II orders first Crusade
YT 41 seconds
This Day in History
Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Pacific
YT 52 seconds
This Day in History
U N votes for partition of Palestine
YT 58 seconds
This Day in History
Battle of Franklin, Tennessee