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Invidious (YT)

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YT 17 minutes 52 seconds
TEDx Talks
Nunca pidas permiso | Ronald Shakespear | TEDxRiodelaPlata
YT 23 minutes 43 seconds
TEDx Talks
Haz que suceda: Isra Garcia at TEDxSevilla
YT 17 minutes 55 seconds
TEDx Talks
Efecto emprendedor: Pablo Chami at TEDxUTN
YT 18 minutes 17 seconds
TEDx Talks
El lenguaje de la motivacion: Maria Graciani at TEDxSevilla
YT 19 minutes 27 seconds
TEDx Talks
Es posible lo imposible | Omar Villalobos | TEDxDF
YT 9 minutes 59 seconds
"My 12 pairs of legs" Aimee Mullins at TED (sub spanish)
YT 12 minutes 45 seconds
TEDx Talks
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
YT 14 minutes 29 seconds
TEDx Talks
How social media creates a better world: Jan Rezab at TEDxSSE
YT 13 minutes 48 seconds
TEDx Talks
Honest liars -- the psychology of self-deception: Cortney Warren at TEDxUNLV
YT 15 minutes
TEDx Talks
Why you will fail to have a great career | Larry Smith | TEDxUW
YT 15 minutes
TEDx Talks
The secret language of flowers | Heather Whitney | TEDxSalford
YT 18 minutes 14 seconds
TEDx Talks
The Power of Honesty, Humility & Humor: Steve Shenbaum at TEDxSarasota
YT 18 minutes 29 seconds
TEDx Talks
The mystery of storytelling: Julian Friedmann at TEDxEaling
YT 15 minutes 5 seconds
TEDx Talks
The psychology of forgetting yourself: Peder Berggren at TEDxSSE
YT 18 minutes 55 seconds
TEDx Talks
Turning fear inside out: Leana Wen at TEDxFoggyBottom
YT 18 minutes 17 seconds
TEDx Talks
Courage to Fail: Richard Sudek at TEDxChapmanU
YT 18 minutes 55 seconds
TEDx Talks
Out-of body experiences, consciousness, and cognitive neuroprosthetics: Olaf Blanke at TEDxCHUV
YT 19 minutes 45 seconds
TEDx Talks
The art of making impossible, possible: Ingrid Vanderveldt at TEDxFiDiWomen
YT 15 minutes 48 seconds
TEDx Talks
TEDxBoulder - Thad Roberts - Visualizing Eleven Dimensions
YT 17 minutes 13 seconds
TEDx Talks
The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont
YT 19 minutes 59 seconds
TEDx Talks
Graphene science | Mikael Fogelström | TEDxGöteborg
YT 18 minutes 20 seconds
TEDx Talks
TEDxRosario - Alfredo Casero - Presupuestar las ideas
YT 21 minutes 13 seconds
TEDx Talks
Como robar el mundo: Sebastián De Caro at TEDxTandil
YT 17 minutes 25 seconds
TEDx Talks
Como hacer que las cosas succedan: Hector Flores at TEDxZapopan
YT 9 minutes 49 seconds
#AncientDNA | What It Is and What It Could Be #TEDx
YT 21 minutes 48 seconds
The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown
YT 21 minutes 16 seconds
TEDx Talks
The art of innovation | Guy Kawasaki | TEDxBerkeley
YT 13 minutes 12 seconds
"Architecture for the people by the people"
YT 14 minutes 29 seconds
How to make stress your friend / Cómo convertir al estrés en tu amigo
YT 15 minutes 3 seconds
"The Global Water & Sanitation Crisis" Jan Eliasson at TEDx
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
"A microscope that folds like origami/ Un microscopio que se dobla como origami" Manu Prakash
YT 19 minutes 21 seconds
"Innova Digital, Innova Global"