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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > University of Minnesota

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YT 9 minutes 38 seconds
University of Minnesota
Welcome by Pres. Eric Kaler: Research with Human Participants Conference
YT 1 hour 15 seconds
University of Minnesota
The National Debates on Research with Human Participants: Issues & Choices
YT 45 minutes 18 seconds
University of Minnesota
Consent to Research When Participants Have Diminished or Fluctuating Decisional Capacity
YT 11 minutes 15 seconds
University of Minnesota
Q&A with Dr. Jeffrey R. Botkin and Dr. Scott Y.H. Kim
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 53 seconds
University of Minnesota
Panel: Multiple Perspectives on the National Debates & Consent Challenges
YT 47 minutes 24 seconds
University of Minnesota
Lunch with Speaker Vanessa Northington Gamble Community Roles in Research
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 43 seconds
University of Minnesota
Panel: Conflicts of Interest & Industry Sponsorship
YT 1 hour 11 minutes 40 seconds
University of Minnesota
Panel: Research with Vulnerable & Underrepresented Populations
YT 5 minutes 15 seconds
University of Minnesota
Closing Remarks: Research with Human Participants Conference