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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Salvation0fMind

Salvation0fMind 1280 subscribers    RSS
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YT 29 seconds
Trendelenburg Gait
YT 10 minutes 58 seconds
Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ACS)
Open thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair
YT 17 minutes 48 seconds
Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ACS)
Total arch replacement with frozen elephant trunk technique
YT 4 minutes 41 seconds
Universitetssjukhuset Örebro
Traumalarm Nivå 1 #2 Radiologi
YT 4 minutes
Universitetssjukhuset Örebro
Traumalarm Nivå 1 #3 Operation
YT 9 minutes 38 seconds
Lars Karlström
Arteriell kärlundersökning
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Lars Karlström
Venös kärlundersökning
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
SRS Medical
UroCuff Non-Invasive Pressure Flow Test
YT 16 minutes 27 seconds
Armando Hasudungan
Physiology of Micturition
YT 26 minutes 8 seconds
Brigham And Women's Hospital
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy | Brigham and Women's Hospital
YT 10 minutes 44 seconds
Parkland Formula for Burns
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Region Kalmar län
Strålbehandling allmänt - Landstinget i Kalmar län
YT 4 minutes 31 seconds
Regionala cancercentrum i samverkan
Extern strålbehandling
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 13 minutes 52 seconds
CT Abdomen and Pelvis BLOOD VESSELS / Vascular Anatomy Discussion
YT 10 minutes 39 seconds
An introduction to Anaesthesia
YT 10 minutes 3 seconds
Local Anesthetic Infiltration - everything you need to know
YT 3 minutes 44 seconds
Epidural Anaesthesia
YT 4 minutes 53 seconds
Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D.
Epidural Spinal Anesthesia - Animation by Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D.
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
Ortopediskt status Lunds Universitet
Inledning, Ortopediskt rutinstatus
YT 7 minutes 55 seconds
Ortopediskt status Lunds Universitet
Rygg- och nackstatus, Ortopediskt rutinstatus
YT 5 minutes 4 seconds
Ortopediskt status Lunds Universitet
Skulderstatus, Ortopediskt rutinstatus
YT 10 minutes 23 seconds
Stanford Medicine 25
The Exam for Shoulder Pain - Stanford Medicine 25
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
Hawkins Kennedy Test | Shoulder Impingement
YT 1 minute 43 seconds
Neer Test | Subacromial Pain Syndrome
YT 9 minutes 21 seconds
Shoulder Impingement - Dr. Richard Hawkins
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
Lachman Test | Cruciate Ligament
YT 1 minute 22 seconds
Posterior Drawer Test | Posterior Cruciate Ligament
YT 2 minutes 58 seconds
Posterior Sag Sign | Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
YT 2 minutes 1 second
Valgus Stress Test of the Knee | Medial Collateral Ligament
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
Varus Stress Test of the Knee | Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
McMurray Test | Meniscus Damage
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
Apley's Test | Meniscus Injury
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
Ober's Test | Iliotibial Band Tightness
YT 1 minute 33 seconds
Thompson Test | Achilles Tendon Rupture/Tear
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
The Syndesmosis Squeeze Test | Syndesmosis Injury
YT 5 minutes 51 seconds
Ortopediskt status Lunds Universitet
Höftstatus, Ortopediskt rutinstatus
YT 9 minutes 29 seconds
Ortopediskt status Lunds Universitet
Knästatus, Ortopediskt rutinstatus
YT 1 minute 42 seconds
Shoulder Dislocation
Kocher's method of relocating a dislocated shoulder. For full detail go to dislocation.com.au
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
Neil Cunningham
Kocher's First Manoeuvre
YT 1 minute 6 seconds
Pivot Shift Test | Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rupture Knee
YT 4 minutes 8 seconds
אתר "הרדמה"
Epidural anesthesia
YT 46 minutes 35 seconds
Medicine & Surgery Documentary
Scream The History Of Anaesthetics ★ Medicine & Surgery Documentary
YT 21 minutes 39 seconds
Wellcome Library
The signs and stages of anaesthesia: No. 1 (1944)
YT 18 minutes 14 seconds
Wellcome Library
Open drop ether: No. 2 (1944) Pt. 1 of 2
YT 4 minutes 34 seconds
Nick Smith
CPAP and Non-Invasive Ventilation in 5 minutes
YT 16 minutes
Strong Medicine
Acute Kidney Injury (Part 1/3 - Definitions and Etiologies)
YT 21 minutes 3 seconds
Strong Medicine
Acute Kidney Injury (Part 2/3 - Diagnostic Evaluation)
YT 19 minutes 59 seconds
Strong Medicine
Acute Kidney Injury (Part 3/3 - Treatment and Complications)
YT 12 minutes 37 seconds
Strong Medicine
Shock: Lesson 1 - Diagnosis and Classification
YT 23 minutes 34 seconds
Strong Medicine
Shock: Lesson 2 - Distinguishing Shock Types (Hypovolemic/Distributive/Cardiogenic/Obstructive)
YT 5 minutes 11 seconds
Strong Medicine
Shock: Lesson 3 - General Treatment Principles
YT 21 minutes 9 seconds
Strong Medicine
IV Fluid Resuscitation (IVF Lesson 3 / Shock Lesson 4)
YT 17 minutes 5 seconds
Strong Medicine
Shock: Lesson 5 - Pressors
YT 4 minutes 31 seconds
Nick Smith
Oxygen Delivery Devices in 5 min
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 32 minutes 29 seconds
Strong Medicine
Sodium and Potassium Metabolism (Renin, Angiotensin, Aldosterone, and ADH)
YT 1 minute 58 seconds
Jobe / Empty Can Test | Subacromial Pain Syndrome
YT 2 minutes 18 seconds
O'Brien Test | Active Compression Test of O'Brien | SLAP Lesion
YT 3 minutes 32 seconds
Posterior Apprehension Test for the Shoulder - Ask Doctor Jo
YT 4 minutes 7 seconds
nabil ebraheim
Shoulder Examination / Subacromial, Cuff - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim
YT 4 minutes 9 seconds
Clinical Physio
Classic Long Head of Biceps Tendinopathy | Clinical Physio
YT 11 minutes 21 seconds
Armando Hasudungan
Clinical Anatomy - Hand, Wrist (palmar aspect/flexors)
YT 6 minutes 37 seconds
Handkirurgi Sahlgrenska
Handstatus / Hand exam
YT 14 minutes 13 seconds
Brachial Plexus Injury - Clinical examination
YT 4 minutes 38 seconds
Enstaka suturer på patient
YT 4 minutes 59 seconds
Intracutan sutur
YT 5 minutes 13 seconds
Transport finger amputation
YT 1 minute 11 seconds
Enstaka sutur på patient
YT 2 minutes 48 seconds
Liggande madrass
YT 4 minutes 17 seconds
Fortlöpande sutur
YT 8 minutes 30 seconds
Enstaka sutur
YT 7 minutes 46 seconds
YT 8 minutes 56 seconds
Scaphoideum plastgips
YT 1 minute 13 seconds
Såga plastgips
YT 3 minutes 54 seconds
YT 6 minutes 5 seconds
YT 10 minutes
YT 6 minutes 37 seconds
Handkirurgen Sahlgrenska
Cirkulär gips handled
YT 3 minutes 6 seconds
Handkirurgen Sahlgrenska
Volar gipskena över handleden
YT 1 minute 22 seconds
Handkirurgen Sahlgrenska
Kortisoninjektion tumbas
YT 3 minutes 6 seconds
Handkirurgen Sahlgrenska
Undersökning ulnarisnerven
YT 3 minutes 17 seconds
Sarah Tucker Oxford
Hand Examination; Finger Flexors FDS and FDP
YT 1 minute 22 seconds
Sarah Tucker Oxford
Hand examination; Finger extension EIP, EDC and EDM
YT 52 seconds
Sarah Tucker Oxford
Examination of the UCL of the thumb
YT 47 seconds
The Physio Channel
Finkelstein's Test of wrist and thumb for de quervain's
YT 45 seconds
The Physio Channel
Thumb Grind Test Assessment
YT 1 minute 14 seconds
The Physio Channel
Watson Scaphoid Shift Test
YT 3 minutes 9 seconds
EM CapeTown
Scaphoid Fracture: Wrist Examination
YT 1 minute 29 seconds
The Physio Channel
How to Locate the Wrist Carpal Bones
YT 4 minutes 40 seconds
Action Rehab Hand Therapy
Mallet Finger Treatment
YT 4 minutes 45 seconds
Dartmouth Health
Trigger Finger
YT 11 minutes 3 seconds
sparky spacy
Primary Survey ATLS Video
YT 12 minutes 34 seconds
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Microsurgical resection of cauda equina schwannoma with nerve root preservation
YT 2 minutes 40 seconds
Urology Care Foundation
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Urinary Diversion - Urology Care Foundation
YT 1 minute 54 seconds
Allen Test⎟Hand Vascularisation
YT 16 minutes 27 seconds
The Hand Surgery Clinics, Pune
Arthroscpic TFCC Repair
YT 21 minutes 21 seconds
Flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy in ureter of an obstructing stone
YT 2 minutes 3 seconds
Roos Test | Thoracic Outlet Syndrome