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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > G Wavy

G Wavy 41400 subscribers    RSS
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YT 12 minutes 48 seconds
G Wavy
God wants me to give up everything | 75 days hard Spiritual/Physical
YT 19 minutes 7 seconds
G Wavy
God can use your failure | 75 hard spiritual/physical Day 1
YT 19 minutes 18 seconds
G Wavy
Stop being prideful, turn to Jesus | 75 hard spiritual/physical Day 2
YT 16 minutes 57 seconds
G Wavy
I'm a sinner I need God everyday | 75 days hard spiritual/physical Day 3
YT 19 minutes 58 seconds
G Wavy
God needs more people with CRAZY FAITH | 75 days hard spiritual/physical Day 4
YT 15 minutes 46 seconds
G Wavy
God doesn't want us to be judgmental | Day 5
YT 17 minutes 34 seconds
G Wavy
The love of Jesus | Heavy leg day | Day 6
YT 14 minutes 46 seconds
G Wavy
God will restore everything that is broken in your life | Day 7
YT 28 minutes 43 seconds
G Wavy
No one will be able to deny Jesus! Day 8-9
YT 15 minutes 19 seconds
G Wavy
My friend gave his life back to God | Day 10
YT 18 minutes 14 seconds
G Wavy
Stop Running From God! day 11-12
YT 16 minutes 35 seconds
G Wavy
It is impossible to please God | 75 hard day 13-14
YT 26 minutes 16 seconds
G Wavy
We need to fear God | 75 hard day 15 - 18
YT 26 minutes 50 seconds
G Wavy
God Cannot Lie | Spiritual 75 hard Day 19-20
YT 22 minutes 28 seconds
G Wavy
My Porn addiction as a Christian (Testimony)
YT 17 minutes 27 seconds
G Wavy
The Devil Can’t Stop Your Blessings
YT 16 minutes 47 seconds
G Wavy
God is calling you to humble yourself