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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > NASAT Sáng Tạo

NASAT Sáng Tạo 658000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 19 minutes 39 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
I made my own simple fishing boat from foam with a 200cc engine
YT 11 minutes 58 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a Styrofoam Boat Running on 2 49cc 2-stroke Engines
YT 17 minutes 12 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Fabricating fishing boat from sponges using 570cc engine
YT 26 minutes 54 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Making a 2-hull foam boat using 2 engines | Diesel 1700cc
YT 3 minutes 52 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Making and launching 2-hull boats from foam 2 Diesel engines 1700cc
YT 22 minutes 29 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a pedal boat out of foam combined with a 200cc engine
YT 22 minutes 50 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a boat from foam and run on an electric motor. Skateboard 30km/h
YT 20 minutes 16 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Making fishing boat from foam using electric motor 35 Km/h
YT 15 minutes 39 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
I made my own spaceship from styrofoam using a 570cc. engine
YT 17 minutes 59 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Making foam electric spaceships using 6000W Motor
YT 17 minutes 1 second
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Homemade speed foam boat with 6000w electric motor
YT 12 minutes 24 seconds
Ryan Prewer
LOBMBC Nationals 2021 - Formula 2 Heat 4
YT 12 minutes 59 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Testing high power electric motor on foam boat
YT 10 minutes 15 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Futuristic boat made from foam uses 600cc engine
YT 23 minutes 24 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Building a Solar Powered Boat of the Future
YT 12 minutes 36 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a simple bicycle boat from foam and scraps
YT 17 minutes 22 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a super fast foam boat from scrap
YT 44 minutes 4 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Make a boat that can run on land from scrap
YT 9 minutes 44 seconds
NASAT Sáng Tạo
Homemade Styrofoam Boat with Special Electric Motor