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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Philippe SHOCK Matthews

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YT 38 minutes 13 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Reduce Stress | Increase neuroMelanin with Dr. Elaine Ferguson
YT 46 minutes 22 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Dr. Elaine Ferguson on Accelerate Your Health 2024
YT 1 hour 34 minutes 52 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
What’s Going On in Our Post-Pandemic World? The Big Picture with Dr. Elaine Ferguson
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 38 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Boost Your Health Now with Dr. Elaine Ferguson
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 28 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
The Truth About Racial Battle Fatigue with Dr. Elaine Ferguson and Dr. William A. Smith
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 8 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
The Lies of Modern Medicine: How Whiteness Influences Science with Dr. Elaine Ferguson
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 53 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
An Invitation to Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery with Dr. Elaine Ferguson
YT 47 minutes 31 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Negative Epigenetics (How the Lie of Western Science Hijacked Our Cells and Health)
YT 2 hours 25 minutes 49 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Dr. Elaine Ferguson on Positive Epigenetics
YT 1 hour 37 minutes 41 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Dr. Elaine Ferguson on Medical Apartheid (Why Black People Are Dying)