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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Philippe SHOCK Matthews

Philippe SHOCK Matthews 63500 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 3 minutes 49 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
The 4 Quantum Entanglement Trauma Imprints of The African / African American
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 1 second
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
The Metaphysical Manifestation Series for Melanated Minds
YT 1 hour 2 minutes 53 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Shock Theology: Why Traditional Metaphysics Stops Working in the Black Brain
YT 40 minutes 14 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Foundational Learning Level 3: Epigenetics / Trauma Bonding / Capture Bonding to Whiteness
YT 38 minutes 40 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Level 4: Metaphysical Chemichalization and the African / African American Identity Crisis
YT 49 minutes 37 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Foundational Learning Level 6 - How to Collapse Time and Create Intentions
YT 41 minutes 1 second
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Foundational Learning Level 7: The Myth of 2nd Frequency AUB (Absolute Unitary Being)
YT 53 minutes 55 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Foundational Learning Level 8: Spiritual Development Theory: Perennial Philosophy
YT 1 hour 10 minutes 48 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Foundational Learning Level 9: Metaphysical Interpretation: Six-Fold Stages to Mental Freedom
YT 1 hour 39 minutes 31 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
10- Dr. Francis Cress Welsing’s White Supremacy Unified Behavior Field Theory
YT 1 hour 57 minutes 9 seconds
The God Pod With Lord Jamar
Godcast Episode 141: Rev. Philippe "Shock" Matthews
YT 1 hour 10 minutes 48 seconds
The God Pod With Lord Jamar
YT 2 hours 26 minutes 26 seconds
Pan-African Daily TV, PADTV
Rev. Philip Shock Matthew talks on why African transition is real.
YT 2 hours 13 minutes 50 seconds
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
Rev. Philippe SHOCK Mathews on Colonialism vs. White Supremacy