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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Character and Voice

Character and Voice 804 subscribers    RSS
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YT 37 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Clive Rosfield - Ben Starr #voiceacting
YT 47 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Clive Rosfield - Ben Starr
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Jill Warrick - Susannah Fielding
YT 48 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Benedikta Harman - Nina Yndis
YT 41 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Hugo Kupka - Alex Lanipekun
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Rodney Murdoch - Keir Charles
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Jill Warrick (Young) - Charlotte McBurney
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Elwin Rosfield - John Hopkins
YT 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Joshua Rosfield (Young) - Jonathan Case
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Wade - Harry Hepple
YT 40 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Anabella - Christina Cole
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Tyler - John Heffernan
YT 52 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Clive Rosfield (Young) - Ben Starr
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Cidolfus Telamon - Ralph Ineson
YT 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Goetz - Rob Falconer
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Final Fantasy 16 - Tarja - Michelle Fox
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Blackthorne - Stewart Scudamore
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Otto - Alisdair Simpson
YT 1 minute 55 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Barnabas Tharmr - David Menkin
YT 36 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Byron Rosfield - Stephen Critchlow
YT 33 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Cyril - Anthony Howell
YT 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Dion Lesage - Stewart Clarke
YT 59 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Edda- Maya Lindh
YT 36 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Eloise - Laura Aikman
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Harpocrates - Edmund Dehn
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Charon - Lorraine Bruce
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy XVI - Gav - Christopher York
YT 1 minute 54 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Sylvestre Lesage - Andrew Havill
YT 1 minute 9 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Sleipnir - Gunnar Cauthery
YT 16 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Quentin - Angus Wright
YT 45 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Olivier Lesage - Quentin Ballard
YT 30 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Mid Telamon - Katie Clarkson Hill
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Martha - Heather Dutton
YT 43 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - L'ubor - Shai Matheson
YT 43 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Isabelle - Katherine Kingsley
YT 37 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Joshua Rosfield - Jonathan Case
YT 32 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Vivian Ninetales - Lara Sawalha
YT 45 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Ultima - Harry Lloyd
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Theodore - David Mumeni
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Jote - Jessica Clark
YT 56 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Clive Rosfield - Yuya Uchida
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Jill Warrick - Megumi Han
YT 49 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Benedikta Harman - Akari Higuchi
YT 42 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Hugo Kupka - Yasuhiro Mamiya
YT 38 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Anabella - Yurika Hino
YT 1 minute 44 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Barnabas Tharmr - Gotaro Tsunashima
YT 36 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Byron Rosfield - Mitsutaka Tachikawa
YT 54 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Clive Rosfield (Young) - Yuma Uchida
YT 33 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Eloise - Wakana Kowaka
YT 51 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Edda - Yūna Kamakura
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Dion Lesage - Yuichi Nakamura
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Cyril - Katsuya Miyamoto
YT 31 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Cidolfus Telamon - Hiroshi Shirokuma
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Blackthorne - Michitake Kikuchi
YT 28 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Jote - Yu Shimamura
YT 25 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Harpocrates - Osamu Mukai
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese -Goetz - Mitsuaki Kanuka
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Gav - Anri Katsu
YT 16 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Elwin Rosfield - Hiroyuki Kinoshita
YT 33 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Charon - Tomoko Miyadera
YT 39 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Joshua Rosfield - Takeo Otsuka
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Jill Warrick (Young) - Megumi Han
YT 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Joshua Rosfield (Young) - Natsumi Fujiwara
YT 28 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Isabelle - Kaori Kimura
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 - Wade - Tooru Sakurai
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Tyler - Tsuguo Mogami
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Theodore - Daiki Hamano
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Tarja - Serika Hiromatsu
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Vivian Ninetales - Yuki Anando
YT 41 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Ultima - Mitsuru Miyamoto
YT 1 minute 57 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Sylvestre Lesage - Kazuhiro Yamaji
YT 1 minute 4 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Sleipnir - Yuichiro Umehara
YT 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Rodney Murdoch - Yoji Ueda
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Quentin - Masaaki Ihara
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Otto - Jiro Saito
YT 44 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Olivier Lesage - Kenshin Kobayashi
YT 25 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Mid Telamon - Mai Yamane
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - Martha - Rin Namino
YT 43 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Final Fantasy 16 Japanese - L'ubor - Tsuyoshi Aoki
YT 27 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Airidah - Isla Blair
YT 25 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Asgail - Neve McIntosh
YT 45 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Astaroth - David Lodge
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Barbarian Female - Laila Berzins
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Barbarian Male - Ray Chase
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Brol - David S. Jung
YT 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Daruuk - Donald Li
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Donan - James Goode
YT 16 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Druid Female - Courtenay Taylor
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Druid Male - Andrew Morgado
YT 57 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Elias - Anthony Howell
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Genbar - Artt Butler
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Inarius - Gabe Kunda
YT 27 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Iosef - Gideon Emery
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Khelit - Caleb Yen
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Sorcerer - Joseph Balderrama
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Rogue Male - Andres Williams
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Rogue Female - Anna Koval
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Prava - Debra Wilson
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Oyuun - Momo Yeung
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Orbei Abbot - Clive Mantle
YT 34 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Neyrelle - Judy Alice Lee
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Necromancer Male - Jesse Burch
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Necromancer Female - Elle Newlands
YT 1 minute 32 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Lilith - Caroline Faber
YT 57 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Narrator - Matthew Waterson
YT 35 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Nafain - Gordon Kennedy
YT 36 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Mephisto - Steve Blum
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Lorath - Ralph Ineson
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Meshif - Ramiz Monsef
YT 30 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Vhenard - Ulka Simone Mohanty
YT 28 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Zolaya - Fiona Rene
YT 36 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Taissa - Cherise Boothe
YT 40 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Vigo - Gavin Hammon
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Yorin - Thierry Mabonga
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Timue - Amira Ghazalla
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Diablo IV - Sorceress - Maya Saroya
YT 50 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Ganondorf - Matthew Mercer
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sonia - Cherami Leigh
YT 44 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sage of Wind - Sean Chiplock
YT 38 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Great Deku Tree - Sean Chiplock
YT 40 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sage of Water - Amelia Gotham
YT 43 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sage of Lightning - Elizabeth Maxwell
YT 1 minute 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Riju - Elizabeth Maxwell
YT 42 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sage of Fire - Joe Hernandez
YT 1 minute 3 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Yunobo - Joe Hernandez
YT 40 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Tulin - Cristina Valenzuela
YT 1 minute 12 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Sidon - Jamie Mortellaro
YT 58 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Purah - Kate Higgins
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Princess Zelda - Patricia Summersett
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Link - Kengo Takanashi
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Rauru - Chris Hackney
YT 56 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Yunobo - Miyuki Kobori
YT 49 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Tulin - Natsuki Mori
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sonia - Yūko Kaida
YT 29 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sidon - Kosuke Onishi
YT 47 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sage of Wind - Noboru Yamaguchi
YT 41 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sage of Water - Mayu Isshiki
YT 46 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sage of Lightning - Rei Shimoda
YT 41 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Sage of Fire - Koji Takeda
YT 47 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Riju - Arisa Sakuraba
YT 30 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Rauru - Riki Kagami
YT 39 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Purah - Ayano Shibuya
YT 39 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Princess Zelda - Yu Shimamura
YT 39 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Great Deku Tree - Hideaki Nonaka
YT 59 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Japanese - Ganondorf - Kōsuke Takaguchi
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Alex - Derek Siow
YT 12 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Amy - Skye Bennett
YT 16 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Andrea - Mia Soteriou
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Bruno - Jay Rincon
YT 16 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Cadenza - Norma Butikofer
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Carla - Carolina Ravassa
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Dani - Michelle Fox
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Denise - Rebecca Crossdale
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Emma Jaunt - Hannah Steele
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Jacob - Okezie Morro
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Jessie - Thaddea Graham
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Jimmy Montana - Eric Loren
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Kai - Kevin Shen
YT 15 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Joshua - Eric Loren
YT 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Dr Reuben Reed - Colin McFarlane
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Lola Konradt - Pippa Winslow
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Luther - John Schwab
YT 18 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Michael Anders - Joseph May
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Patton - Mel Raido
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Rikky Rex - Glenn Wrage
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Roxanne - Joanne McCallin
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Ryan - Ronan Summers
YT 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Sam B - Cavin Cornwall
YT 17 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Thurston - Ako Mitchell
YT 13 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Tisha Reed - Jessica Hayles
YT 14 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Dead Island 2 - Trent - John Schwab
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - BD 1- Ben Burtt
YT 20 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Boba Fett - Temuera Morrison
YT 24 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Bode Akuna - Noshir Dalal
YT 37 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Caij Vanda - Verona Blue
YT 49 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Cal Kestis - Cameron Monaghan
YT 35 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Cere Junda - Debra Wilson
YT 37 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Dagan Gera - Cody Fern
YT 34 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Darth Vader - Scott Lawrence
YT 27 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Doma Dendra - Rebecca Wisocky
YT 30 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Eno Cordova - Tony Amendola
YT 31 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Greez Dritus - Daniel Roebuck
YT 26 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Kata Akuna - Tajinae Turner
YT 48 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Lank Denvik - Gideon Emery
YT 28 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Zee - Kendal Rae
YT 30 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Merrin - Tina Ivlev
YT 34 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Turgle - Richard Steven Horvitz
YT 27 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Santari Khri - Tracy Ifeachor
YT 34 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Rayvis - DC Douglas
YT 22 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Gabs - Britt Baron
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Monk - Chris Diamantopoulos
YT 19 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Mosey Cimarron - Elizabeth Frances
YT 21 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Ninth Sister Inquisitor - Misty Lee
YT 39 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Ajantis - Jason Marsden
YT 53 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Alora - Amber Hood
YT 58 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Branwen - Bernadette Sullivan
YT 1 minute 8 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Coran - Brian George
YT 23 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Dryad - Amber Hood
YT 47 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Dynaheir - Jennifer Hale
YT 58 seconds
Character and Voice
Character and Voice Actor - Baldur's Gate - Edwin - Jim Meskimen