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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Greg Jay

Greg Jay 16300 subscribers    RSS
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YT 21 minutes 20 seconds
rodney pearson
JFK Assassination-ALL FIGURED OUT!
YT 44 minutes 53 seconds
Promethean Updates
JFK vs Empire, Interview with Anton Chaitkin
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 31 seconds
Vhs Archives
The JFK Conspiracy: Final Analysis
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK: The West Texas Connection 1992 - the Ricky/Roscoe White tale
YT 2 hours 41 minutes 46 seconds
The Future of Freedom Foundation
JFK and the Cold War: Deception, Treachery, and the Struggle for Power
YT 4 hours 59 minutes 1 second
The Future of Freedom Foundation
JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment
YT 11 minutes 38 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Part 3: The 1961 Berlin Crisis - Dr John Newman
YT 26 minutes 57 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Part 4: The Vietnam War, 1961 - May 1962: - Dr John Newman, 17 March, 2021
YT 47 minutes 54 seconds
Greg Jay
JFK and some history then & now
YT 27 minutes 35 seconds
Greg Jay
Favorite JFK Quotes & other things,
YT 8 minutes 19 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Audio-Video Book - Chapter 2 - A Trip to Bonham, Texas
YT 6 minutes 29 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap. 3- A Little House in Dallas
YT 14 minutes 12 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men onThe Sixth Floor Chapter 4 - The Loy Factor Story
YT 7 minutes 31 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
TMOTSF video Chap5 The Factor Tapes
YT 43 minutes 4 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor. Chap 6 - The Second Interview
YT 13 minutes 5 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap7 The Factor Story Confirmed
YT 9 minutes 46 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap 8 The Discovery of Mac Wallace
YT 15 minutes 17 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap 9 The Strange Story of Gene Noblitt
YT 24 minutes 45 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap 11- (first half) The Dallas Revelation
YT 23 minutes 52 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
remake of chap 11b The Dallas Revelations
YT 14 minutes 49 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
TMOTSF Chap 12 The Incredible Madeleine Brown
YT 28 minutes 53 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the Sixth Floor - Chap 13 The Estes Documents
YT 15 minutes 4 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
TMOTSF CHAP 14 - On the Trail of Wallace
YT 15 minutes 41 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
TMOTSF Chap 15 - Its Not What you know
YT 17 minutes 35 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the 6th Floor: Chap 16: A Closer Look at the Colonel
YT 10 minutes 56 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the 6th Floor - Chap 17 the man in the horn-rimmed glasses
YT 8 minutes 48 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
TMOTSF Chap 18 Farewell Loy Factor
YT 19 minutes 42 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
Chap 19 - The Guilty Men
YT 44 minutes 42 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Mac Wallace Fingerprint - chap 20
YT 19 minutes 29 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
YT 25 minutes 37 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 5 seconds
Rep Cornelius Gallagher-A Friend of JFK, RFK and Enemy of Hoover
YT 24 minutes 51 seconds
The shooters in Dealey Plaza.
YT 36 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute VI (JFK assassination) R.I.P. "BEST EVIDENCE: THE RESEARCH VIDEO"
YT 1 hour 41 minutes 34 seconds
Fletcher Prouty "That Whole Bay of Pigs Thing...- Black Op Radio
YT 36 minutes 58 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author Walt Brown on the JFK assassination
YT 1 hour 21 minutes 11 seconds
Greg Jay
JFK Evidence of Revision p2, Vietnam, LBJ
YT 50 minutes 35 seconds
Brian L. Frye
From the Archives 58: Mark Lane, Rush to Judgment (1967)
YT 49 minutes 50 seconds
Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government
YT 2 hours 9 minutes 35 seconds
The Journey - Spotlight Series Special guest Dr. John Newman
YT 1 hour 32 minutes 59 seconds
Chuck Phillips
Jack: The Last Kennedy Film
YT 31 minutes 49 seconds
Lone Gunman
JFK Assassination - COPA - Robert Groden
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 42 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: The JFK Conspiracy - Final Analysis 1992
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 26 seconds
Vince Palamara
Vincent Salandria JFK Assassination
YT 32 minutes 2 seconds
David Von Pein's JFK Channel
YT 55 minutes 54 seconds
Jim DiEugenio JFK Grassy Knoll locations new revelations "Parkland" Film Brent Holland Show
YT 2 hours 27 minutes 17 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan: Bitter Harvest - Hidden History of America - UCSB 1994
YT 40 minutes 43 seconds
City of Allen - ACTV
Jim Marrs, Author "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy"
YT 3 hours 48 seconds
JFK Assassination UFO File Antarctica & Permindex! Joseph Farrell
YT 38 minutes 56 seconds
Greg Jay
EVIDENCE OF revision 1
YT 44 minutes 8 seconds
Free Documentary - History
Robert F. Kennedy - America's Lost President | Free Documentary History
YT 3 hours 55 minutes 55 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Assassination: Dealey Plaza UK: Greg Wagner 12/18/21
YT 15 minutes 1 second
The Elite Serial Killers of AL, JFK, RFK, and MLK *4-10*
YT 49 minutes 25 seconds
firstlight video
Lee Harvey Oswald Fake - by Jim Marrs - How JFK was really killed.
YT 1 hour 28 minutes 18 seconds
City of Allen - ACTV
Is Beverly Oliver the "Babushka Lady"?
YT 4 minutes 39 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination: shots too fast for one man (compilation)
YT 1 hour 46 minutes 59 seconds
Chautauqua Updates
JFK and the UNSPEAKABLE: James Douglass
YT 58 minutes 20 seconds
Vince Palamara
The motorcade and the Secret Service - JFK assassination
YT 19 minutes 39 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination: incredible first day news reports (compilation)
YT 1 hour 33 minutes 54 seconds
Greg Jay
Evidence of Revision Part 3 LBJ, Hoover and Others, What So Few Know Even Today
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 47 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: JFK The Case For Conspiracy by Robert Groden 1993 Kennedy assassination
YT 8 minutes 22 seconds
David Talbot - "The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years"
YT 1 hour 1 minute 46 seconds
David Talbot on "The Devil's Chessboard"
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 18 seconds
City of Allen - ACTV
The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 2 hours 27 minutes 15 seconds
Vince Palamara
Doug Weldon JFK assassination (Kennedy limousine) conference presentation 1999
YT 1 hour 46 minutes 56 seconds
City of Allen - ACTV
JFK: Absolute Proof: The Killing of a President - Robert Groden
YT 1 hour 48 minutes 28 seconds
Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Research by William Warrick, III
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 34 seconds
Joseph Hewes
Robert F. Kennedy: CBS News - Live Coverage of His Assassination - June 5, 1968
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 hour 23 minutes 8 seconds
Harry Bowen: Presentation on JFK Assassination 11/5/18
YT 7 hours 16 minutes 22 seconds
Richard Bradley
The Men Who Killed Kennedy Full Series
YT 30 minutes 33 seconds
Greg Burnham
A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham
YT 35 minutes 51 seconds
Vince Palamara
COPA 2010: John Judge and Greg Burnham JFK assassination
YT 6 minutes 19 seconds
The "Other" Zapruder Film
YT 2 hours 4 minutes 48 seconds
Damon Ise speaking about the tragic death of JFK Jr. at the 2019 JFK Assassination Conference.
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 8 seconds
Last Second in Dallas: A Granular Account of the Final Second of the Assassination
YT 22 minutes 16 seconds
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 8 seconds
The Sport of Life: Comedy, Films, Music, & Sports
The Latest Declassified Evidence on JFK's Murder
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 49 minutes 13 seconds
Vince Palamara
William Truels 2010 COPA JFK assassination conference
YT 47 minutes 58 seconds
Promethean Updates
Behind Biden's Drive for WWIII: Britain's Hatred of U.S.
YT 1 hour 51 minutes 34 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author Vince Palamara thru the years 1991-2023: JFK assassination conferences and TV appearances
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 hour 32 minutes 40 seconds
EML Publishing
America's Fight for Universal Progress from Franklin to Kennedy with Author Anton Chaitkin
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 1 hour 32 minutes 22 seconds
Heike Dittmar
The Search for Kennedys PT 109
YT 2 hours 17 minutes 52 seconds
The American Patriot
Who We Were: America Before the British Coup
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: "Dangerous World: The Kennedy Years" 1997 (Seymour Hersh book; interviewed 4 agents)
YT 6 hours 24 minutes 11 seconds
Finally hearing the TRUTH about the JFK cover-up.
YT 10 hours 13 minutes 2 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/19/2021 JFK assassination conference, Dallas, TX (DAY 1 of 3)
YT 11 hours 54 minutes 56 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/20/2021 JFK assassination conference, Dallas, TX (DAY 2 of 3)
YT 1 hour 10 minutes 36 seconds
Vince Palamara
David Talbot discusses Allen Dulles & "The Devil's Chessboard"
YT 6 minutes 3 seconds
Vince Palamara
UNIQUE JFK Dallas motorcade compilation SILENT FILMS
YT 35 minutes 11 seconds
Stacie Doutt
JFK Assassination Greg Burnham Black Op Radio Interview 31, 2017 Part 2
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 21 seconds
Joseph Hewes
JFK Assassination: The Assassination of President Kennedy - 1978
YT 1 hour 33 minutes 59 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dr John Newman - The CIA, the Army, and the Pentagon: The Veciana Misdirection 3.0
YT 47 minutes 38 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: Two Men in Dallas
YT 2 hours 13 minutes 17 seconds
JFK Assassination - Black Op Radio #599b Pat Valentino and Chris La May
YT 2 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/21/2021 JFK assassination conference, Dallas, TX (DAY 3 of 3)
YT 2 hours 55 minutes 23 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute II (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 19 seconds
Vince Palamara
The mother of ALL JFK assassination compilation videos! Kennedy assassination primary news items
YT 1 hour 21 minutes 52 seconds
Vince Palamara
Zapruder film symposium with David Lifton 2003
YT 1 hour 55 minutes 18 seconds
Lone Gunman
Dealey Plaza UK - J Gary Shaw April 24 2021
YT 18 minutes 12 seconds
Vince Palamara
Historian John Judge tells it like it is on the JFK assassination and more
YT 2 hours 55 minutes 23 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute II (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 19 seconds
Vince Palamara
The mother of ALL JFK assassination compilation videos! Kennedy assassination primary news items
YT 1 hour 21 minutes 52 seconds
Vince Palamara
Zapruder film symposium with David Lifton 2003
YT 1 hour 55 minutes 18 seconds
Lone Gunman
Dealey Plaza UK - J Gary Shaw April 24 2021
YT 18 minutes 12 seconds
Vince Palamara
Historian John Judge tells it like it is on the JFK assassination and more
YT 1 hour 48 minutes 20 seconds
JFK history video documentary Best Evidence Book David Lifton Night Fright
YT 1 hour 54 seconds
JFK history documentary video William Law Night Fright Show
YT 9 hours 48 minutes 55 seconds
YT 1 hour 19 minutes 53 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute I (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 1 hour 17 minutes 38 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute III (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 9 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute IV (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 57 minutes 47 seconds
Vince Palamara
Author David Lifton: A Tribute V (JFK assassination) R.I.P.
YT 1 second

[Deleted video]
YT 4 minutes 48 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK limousine slowed or stopped compilation with Doug Horne and others
YT 3 hours 19 minutes 6 seconds
Our Hidden History
"Who Done It?" Panel from the Assassination Information Bureau Conference, Boston (1975)
YT 48 minutes 38 seconds
Promethean Updates
John Kennedy's "Grand and Global Alliance"
YT 57 minutes 52 seconds
TalkingStickTV - Jim Douglass - MLK, JFK, RFK and the Unspeakable
YT 55 minutes 24 seconds
Vince Palamara
Important additional facts on the Tippit shooting
YT 1 hour 41 minutes 49 seconds
David Talbot on Black Op Radio #755
YT 58 minutes
TalkingStickTV - Jim Douglass - JFK and the Unspeakable
YT 1 hour 15 minutes 1 second
Vince Palamara
Jim Dieugenio concerning his excellent book on the JFK assassination
YT 1 hour 37 minutes 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK: The Real Investigation + Jim Marrs Crossfire
YT 12 minutes 24 seconds
Vince Palamara
The Warren Commission finally exposed (JFK ASSASSINATION)
YT 19 minutes 45 seconds
Alterations found in the Zapruder film.
YT 8 minutes 30 seconds
Vince Palamara
Why President Kennedy was executed (JFK ASSASSINATION)
YT 24 minutes 51 seconds
Vince Palamara
The shooters in Dealey Plaza by Doug Campbell (JFK ASSASSINATION)
YT 25 minutes 32 seconds
Vince Palamara
The precise location of a bullet hole in the windshield of JFK limousine- PART 3 OF 3
YT 35 minutes 41 seconds
Vince Palamara
Important: The TRUE story behind Oswald's friend George De Mohrenschildt
YT 2 hours 47 minutes 9 seconds
Project JFK/CSI Dallas presents The Journey - Spotlight Series featuring Dr. John Newman
YT 9 minutes 12 seconds
Vince Palamara
AF1 TAPES: What happened during the flight from Dallas to Andrews JFK ASSASSINATION
YT 2 hours 11 minutes 35 seconds
Vince Palamara
Paul Brandus JFK Assassination book premise DEBUNKED (Countdown to Dallas) #propaganda #pablum
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 49 seconds
Vince Palamara
The great Jim Marrs on Crossfire (JFK assassination)
YT 6 minutes 32 seconds
JFK Assassination Newsreel Public Domain Footage LBJ Takes over www.PublicDomainFootage.com
YT 7 minutes 37 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 40 minutes 56 seconds
Vince Palamara
The CIA's Oswald Project (JFK ASSASSINATION)
YT 25 minutes 32 seconds
The precise location of a bullet hole in the windshield of JFK's limousine.
YT 37 minutes 33 seconds
The Role of the Paines in History.
YT 1 hour 27 minutes 45 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1156 - Vince Palamara
YT 1 hour 41 minutes 28 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1157 - Joseph McBride
YT 26 minutes 58 seconds
Vince Palamara
The best JFK assassination compilation on You Tube
YT 2 hours 49 minutes 30 seconds
The Future of Freedom Foundation
The JFK Medical Coverup
YT 25 minutes 20 seconds
Robert Durk
YT 2 hours 32 minutes 11 seconds
Captain Westbrook, officer Tippit and Oswald's double.
YT 1 hour 1 minute 29 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1194 - David Talbot
YT 55 minutes 24 seconds
Additional facts on the Tippit shooting.
YT 49 minutes 51 seconds
David Talbot at Book Passage
YT 1 hour 1 minute 3 seconds
Our Hidden History
Insiders' Response to the Warren Report
YT 46 minutes 55 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
YT 35 minutes 56 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
YT 7 minutes 3 seconds
The Men on the Sixth Floor
The Men on the 6th Floor -A SHORT STUDY OF THE SHOTS
YT 53 minutes 1 second
Author David Talbot | Brooklyn Public Library
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 4 seconds
Vince Palamara
David Healy on the Zapruder film 2003
YT 1 hour 16 minutes 8 seconds
An interview with Richard Belzer about his book on the JFK assassination.
YT 10 minutes 47 seconds
Democracy Now!
Inside Allan Dulles' Reign as CIA Director, from '54 Guatemala Coup to Plotting Castro's Overthrow
YT 47 seconds
Dallas Tour: DiEugenio's Sniper Location
YT 2 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds
Col. Fletcher Prouty interview 1994
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 51 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1088 - James DiEugenio
YT 2 hours 28 minutes 51 seconds
Out Of The Blank
Out Of The Blank #1128 - JFK Panel
YT 22 minutes 21 seconds
Our Hidden History
John J. McCloy & The Warren Commission: Black Op Radio
YT 14 minutes 58 seconds
Oliver Stone on the JFK Assassination Cover-up
YT 57 minutes 32 seconds
TalkingStickTV - Jim Douglass - JFK and the Unspeakable
YT 51 minutes 14 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Fort Worth Breakfast 11/22/63 TV coverage (different source) JFK assassination
YT 23 minutes 20 seconds
Democracy Now!
Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nicaragua to Hawaii to Cuba
YT 51 seconds
Vince Palamara
Secret Service agent Clint Hill with JFK Jr 9/7/63
YT 9 minutes 10 seconds
Vince Palamara
RARE: JFKs victory speech 11/9/1960 election night
YT 1 hour 3 minutes 52 seconds
Vince Palamara
CLASSICS: "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax" (1998) by Jack White 3 of 3
YT 48 minutes 48 seconds
Vince Palamara
Jim DiEugenio at the San Francisco, CA JFK Assassination Conference 3/3/18
YT 1 hour 48 minutes 53 seconds
The American Patriot
20131019-JFK vs. Empire
YT 40 minutes 16 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
YT 41 minutes 49 seconds
Promethean Updates
The World Now Knows, 'It's the British Empire, Stupid!'
YT 59 minutes 5 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 4 hours 44 minutes 58 seconds
Vince Palamara
NBC coverage 11/22/63 (4 and a half-plus hours!) JFK assassination
YT 20 minutes 54 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK aides Larry O'Brien & Dave Powers regarding 11/22/63 (from 1988)
YT 8 minutes 37 seconds
Vince Palamara
Only Known Video of Oswald's Mortician Paul Groody 1988
YT 2 hours 49 minutes 31 seconds
Vince Palamara
AMAZING: CIA Officer - The Killing of JFK in 1963 & the Secret Wars of the CIA Are Connected (1989)
YT 50 minutes 36 seconds
Our Hidden History
Willam Turner Discusses the FBI, CIA, & the RFK Assassination
YT 13 seconds
Zapruder Film HD Frames 133 253 (Assassination of JFK)
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 hour 32 minutes 14 seconds
Our Hidden History
Two views on the crash of Flight 553 w/ Sherman Skolnik (1973)
YT 12 minutes 18 seconds
Stacie Doutt
Greg Burnham interviews Sherman Skolnick
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 19 seconds
John F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning/Day of Drums
YT 2 hours 47 minutes 45 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #14, 15: The S-Force, Santos Trafficante, and Richard Helms within the C.I.A.
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 12 seconds
Vince Palamara
Dr. David Mantik & Prof. James Fetzer on the Zapruder film 2003
YT 7 minutes
Vince Palamara
Excerpt from "The Age of Kennedy" 1966 NBC
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 31 seconds
Chuck Phillips
Dangerous World The Kennedy Years
YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dr. John M. Newman and what Jane Roman said on Nov. 3, 1994
YT 38 minutes 42 seconds
Vince Palamara
The ARRB's John Tunheim mad about Secret Service destruction of JFK records and the reasons why
YT 54 minutes 34 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Panel - Jefferson Morley, Dr. John Newman, David Talbot, Alan Dale moderator
YT 31 minutes 22 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dr John Newman: It's Police Work, Not Dogma - with Alan Dale, November 2020 - CAPA
YT 35 minutes 17 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dr. John M. Newman The Race Issue and the presidential campaign of 1960 Part 2.
YT 36 minutes 31 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dr. John M. Newman The Race Issue and the presidential campaign of 1960 Part 1.
YT 1 hour 25 minutes 4 seconds
e2 films
The Zapruder Film Mystery
YT 1 hour 57 minutes
Vince Palamara
COPA 2004 JFK Assassination Conference: Gary Aguilar and Rex Bradford
YT 17 minutes 25 seconds
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Part 2: The Cuban Cataclysm of 1961 - Dr John Newman
YT 2 hours 40 minutes 53 seconds
The Future of Freedom Foundation
JFK Panel Q&A Discussion
YT 1 hour 16 minutes 30 seconds
Vince Palamara
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 47 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination Secret Service compilation TIK TOK
YT 28 minutes 11 seconds
Vince Palamara
Photographic Interpretation of the JFK Assassination by Roy Schaeffer part 1
YT 55 minutes 45 seconds
Lone Gunman
JFK Assassination Researchers in Dallas Nov 1993 98
YT 11 minutes 15 seconds
Vince Palamara
JFK Agents Tim McIntire + Emory Roberts and my other 2 Secret Service suspects
YT 6 minutes 27 seconds
Vince Palamara
11/22/63: First 2-plus minutes of Dallas motorcade includes slow motion of Love Field recall
YT 1 hour 7 minutes 16 seconds
Vince Palamara
Kennedy assassination classic: Mar 27th, 1975