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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Greg Jay

Greg Jay 16300 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 46 minutes 51 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan - 5-10-2016
YT 2 hours 38 minutes 3 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK Assassination Overview: Daniel Sheehan 2016
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 34 seconds
Romero Institute
Watergate Hearings, ties to Kennedy Assassination, Reactionaries: 4-26-2012 Daniel Sheehan
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 46 seconds
Romero Institute
The 1963 flow chart: Daniel Sheehan - 5-12-2016
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 25 seconds
Romero Institute
1991: The End of the Cold War - Daniel Sheehan - 4-5-2016
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 22 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan - 5-24-2016
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 18 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan - 5-31-2016
YT 1 hour 29 minutes 7 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan 6-2-2016
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 39 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #2: The Historical Perspective
YT 25 minutes 34 seconds
YT 2 hours 43 minutes 38 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #13: The Torbitt Document - Johnson, Hoover, and the F.B.I.
YT 2 hours 47 minutes 45 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #14, 15: The S-Force, Santos Trafficante, and Richard Helms within the C.I.A.
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 24 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #9: The Still-Controversial Facts that Point Toward an Alternate Explanation
YT 1 hour 45 minutes 44 seconds
Romero Institute
Rulers of the Realm Introduction: Daniel Sheehan - 3-29-2016
YT 1 hour 44 minutes 40 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #4: Oswald, the Lone Gunman
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 36 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #16: The C.I.A. As an Institution
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 18 seconds
Romero Institute
Cuba, America, and Russia WWII to 1963: Daniel Sheehan - 4-28-2016
YT 1 hour 13 minutes 43 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #5 Discussion
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 54 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #5: Warren Comission Report
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 41 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #3: Critical Thinking
YT 2 hours 27 minutes 17 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan: Bitter Harvest - Hidden History of America - UCSB 1994
YT 30 minutes 7 seconds
CBS 8 San Diego
President John F. Kennedy visits San Diego in 1963
YT 1 hour 40 minutes 13 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK # 12: Nov. 5, Garrison Investigation and Oliver Stone
YT 1 hour 30 minutes 18 seconds
Romero Institute
Watergate Burglary: 4-24-2012 Daniel Sheehan
YT 57 minutes 31 seconds
UVA Center for Politics
This is the House that Jack Built
YT 1 hour 45 minutes 51 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #6: Challenges to "Lone Gunman" Theory
YT 1 hour 20 minutes 56 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #11: The Mob Killed JFK
YT 1 hour 43 minutes 50 seconds
Romero Institute
Imperialism and Labor Unrest: Daniel Sheehan - 4-19-2016
YT 3 hours 2 minutes 32 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #7: The Later Discovered Facts that Challenge the Lone Gunman Theory
YT 1 hour 36 minutes
Romero Institute
Covert & Lesser Known U.S. Actions in and after WWII: Daniel Sheehan - 4-26-2016
YT 1 hour 31 minutes 58 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK, Cuba, and the CIA: Daniel Sheehan - 5-5-2016
YT 1 hour 42 minutes 16 seconds
Romero Institute
Elites, The Creation of the CIA, the Mafia and Cuba: Daniel Sheehan - 5-3-2016
YT 1 hour 35 minutes 6 seconds
Romero Institute
Strategic and Tactical Stories - Final Thoughts for UCSC 2019: Daniel Sheehan 2019 Class #19
YT 1 hour 33 minutes 6 seconds
Romero Institute
Daniel Sheehan - 5-26-2016
YT 1 hour 26 minutes 21 seconds
Romero Institute
WWI to WWII: Daniel Sheehan - 4-21-2016
YT 1 hour 5 minutes 1 second
Romero Institute
JFK #9 Discussion: Narrative set forth by House Select Committee on Assasinations
YT 1 hour 50 minutes 10 seconds
Romero Institute
The Robber Baron Era and Chautauqua Movement: Daniel Sheehan - 4-12-2016
YT 1 hour 39 minutes 40 seconds
Romero Institute
Iran Contra pre trial discovery & investigation: 5-29-2012 Daniel Sheehan
YT 1 hour 38 minutes 4 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #18: Comparing Theories - Nov 26 2013
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 55 seconds
Romero Institute
The Pentagon Papers Case: 4-19-2012 Daniel Sheehan
YT 1 hour 36 minutes 59 seconds
Romero Institute
JFK #8: Undisputed Facts