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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Heritage Spotter 131

Heritage Spotter 131 4510 subscribers    RSS
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YT 3 minutes 20 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS M19 passes McCord Park at MP 10 with NS 1073 trailing!!!!!
YT 5 minutes 10 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I142 passes North Road at MP 98 with awesome S5T and CSX 1776 leading!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 18M passes McCord Park at MP 10 with NS 1111 trailing!!!!!
YT 19 minutes 49 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
Many trains in NW Indiana recorded from the IPhone!
YT 46 minutes 8 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
More good trains in Chesterton recorded from the Sony!
YT 3 minutes 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 688 passes McCord Park at MP 10 with cool K5LA and NS 8098 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L424 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with odd K5LA and CSX 5327 trailing!!!!!
YT 6 minutes 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M352 meets L423 at North Road at MP 98 with friendly crews and CSX 5327 leading!!!!!
YT 1 minute 15 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L424 FLYS through Sharp Road at CP 102 with awesome RS5T and CSX 3194 leading!!!!!
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L423 passes North Road at MP 98 with CSX 3194 trailing!!!!!
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L423 passes North Road at MP 98 with very friendly crew, SAAHC, and CSX 4568 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 15 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M353 passes Leap Road at CP 123 with friendly crew and CSX 911 leading!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 15 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M350 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with cool K5LA and CSX 5327 trailing!!!!!
YT 9 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
Wow… Hey at least I caught it!
YT 26 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CN A441-61 with 3971 ex Citirail!
YT 1 minute 9 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
Amtrak 49-30 HAULS through Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with Amtrak 46 leading!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 14 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 22H-31 meets 21W-30 at Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with friendly crew and NS 4002 trailing!!!!!
YT 1 minute
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX P001 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with F40PH trio!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 13Q FLYS through Wauseon at CP 320 with BNSF leader, friendly crew, and BNSF 726 Trailing!!!!!
YT 4 minutes 20 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 28N passes McCord Park at MP 10 with cool K5LA and NS 1065 trailing!!!!!
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L424 passes North Road at MP 98 with CSX 1897 leading!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M510 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with cool K5LA and CSX 5327 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 25 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I146 passes Leap Road at CP 123 with CSX 4568 leading!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 29C HAULS through McCord Park at MP 10 with loud K5LA and NS 1065 trailing!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 53 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CN A441-61 passes Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with fresh CN leader and CN 3973 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M561 passes CR 25A at MP 89 with friendly crew and CSX 1850 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I141 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with very friendly crew, cool K5HL, and CSX 439 trailing!!!!!
YT 2 minutes 9 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 67X HAULS through Bryan at MP 342 with friendly crew and CPKC (KCS) 4551 trailing!!!!!
YT 12 minutes 52 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 553 meets 35N at Bryan at MP 342 with friendly crews and NS 4003 trailing!!!!!
YT 3 minutes 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M205 passes Ferree Road at MP 159 with cool K5HLA and CSX 4568 trailing!!!
YT 51 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I135 IB North Baltimore with CSX 1871 on point!!!
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 23G HAULS through Wauseon at CP 320 with amazing P3, BNSF, very friendly crew, and NS 4822!!!!
YT 1 minute 55 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M350 passes North Road at MP 98 with CSX 4568 leading.
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M363 FLYS through Ferree Road at MP 159 with friendly crew and CSX 1871 rear DPU!!!
YT 2 minutes 24 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 259 HAULS through Bryan at MP 342 with very friendly crew and NS 8105 leading!!!
YT 8 minutes 5 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 23G passes Bryan at MP 342 with friendly crew and NS 4003 trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 21 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX L424 passes North Road at MP 98 with CSX 1852 (WM) leading!!!
YT 2 minutes 10 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M276 passes Pemberton at MP 156 with friendly crew and CSX 5500 trailing!!!
YT 2 minutes 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I008 passes CP 163 with very friendly crew and CSX 1875 (P&LE) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 25 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 46A passes Bryan at MP 342 with Ekyrail E-Bell and BNSF 705 (Fakebonnet) trailing!!!
YT 6 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 955!
YT 2 minutes 14 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M508 passes Anna at MP 105 with CSX 1852 (WM) Leading!!!
YT 1 minute 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I131 passes Quincy at CP 153 with friendly crew and UP 7400 (PR) leading!!!
YT 5 minutes 21 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 171 passes McCord Park at MP 10 with cool K5LLA and NS 4001 (DC-AC) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 5 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 170 passes McCord Park at MP 10 with NS 1065 (S&A) trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 31 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX W003 passes McCord Park at MP 128 with CSX 9969 leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 7 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 880 passes Wauseon at CP 320 with awesome K5HL and MRL 4308 trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 53 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 309 HAULS through Wauseon at CP 320 with very friendly crew and NS 1074 leading!!!
YT 13 minutes
Heritage Spotter 131
Trains on 9/8/24, with a lot of weird occurrences and great power!
YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 44M passes Alton & Darby Creek Road at MP 147 with fouled horn and NS 1066 (NYC) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 41 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 19W passes McCord Park at MP 10 with friendly crew and NS 1070 (Wabash) trailing!!!
YT 3 minutes 21 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 272 passes McCord Park at MP 10 with NS 1074 (Lackawanna) trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 36 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX I008 HAULS through CP 163 with CSX 1869 (C&O) trailing!!!
YT 3 minutes 53 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 68N passes Berea at CP 194 with SD70ACU leader and CPKC (KCS) 4542 (Grey ghost) trailing!!!
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 54W combo train passes McCord Park at MP 10 with NS 1067 (Reading) trailing!!!
YT 2 minutes 44 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 268-09 FLYS through Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with NS 8114 (Orig NS) trailing!!!
YT 3 minutes 50 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CPKC 137-07 passes Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with CPKC (KCS) 4551 (Grey Ghost) trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 9 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS B09? passes Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with NS 1071 (CNJ) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 1 second
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M204 passes Ferree Road at MP 159 with very friendly crew and CSX 5327 (WM sticker) leading!!!
YT 11 minutes 41 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 178 passes Alton & Darby Creek Road at MP 147 with awesome P5 and NS 4002 (Red Mane) leading!!!
YT 2 minutes 7 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 276 meets CPKC 02H at Waterloo at CP 367 with friendly crew and holiday lights!!!
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M332 passes CP 163 with CSX 1877 (C&EI) leading!!!
YT 5 minutes 3 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CN M340-41 passes Byrkit Avenue at MP 431 with CN 3882 (CN 100th) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 21 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M314 passes Amlin at MP 119 with CSX 1900 (SBD) leading!!!
YT 3 minutes 51 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX M508 passes Sharp Road at CP 102 with CSX 1853 (NYC) leading!!!
YT 1 minute 51 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
IORY LNL with 4431 chase 1.
YT 1 minute 30 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
IORY LNL with 4431 chase 2.
YT 48 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
IORY LNL with 4431 chase 3.
YT 12 minutes 10 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
Little bit of Sidney railfanning, FINALLY caught one on the Indy line!
YT 45 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
Amtrak 40 HAULS through CR 10 at MP 315 with phase 7 sleeper and Amtrak 301 (Day 1) leading!!!
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 65K stops at Swanton at CP 306 with CN 2755 (Ex CREX) trailing!!!
YT 3 minutes 26 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 66X passes Swanton at CP 306 with friendly crew and CPKC (KCS) 4535 (Grey Ghost) rear DPU!!!
YT 3 minutes 10 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
NS 23G HAULS through Wauseon at CP 320 with SAAHC and NS 1800 (DC-AC Yellow) trailing!!!
YT 1 minute 56 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX B661 FLYS through CR 25A at MP 89 with CN 8952 (GTW) leading!!!
YT 2 minutes 31 seconds
Heritage Spotter 131
CSX B523 passes North Road at MP 98 with amazing K5H and CSX 1850 (L&N) leading!!!