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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Craig Rees

Craig Rees 1200 subscribers    RSS
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YT 54 minutes 51 seconds
Arachîr Galudirithon
Lore of Middle-earth: Sauron the Deceiver
YT 9 minutes 47 seconds
Men of the West
Every Named Weapon in Tolkien's Works - Artifacts of Arda
YT 18 minutes 27 seconds
Men of the West
The Wizards of Middle-earth
YT 13 minutes 28 seconds
Men of the West
What if Saruman Stayed Good? Theory
YT 1 hour 47 minutes 56 seconds
JRR TOLKIEN '1892-1973' - A Study Of The Maker Of Middle-earth
YT 11 minutes 41 seconds
What were the Balrogs of Morgoth? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth
YT 14 minutes 50 seconds
The White Trees of Arda | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth
YT 15 minutes 32 seconds
The History of the Mines of Moria | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth
YT 12 minutes 57 seconds
Men of the West
Dark Lord Melkor (Morgoth) - Epic Character History (Part I)
YT 8 minutes 19 seconds
Where do Dragons Come From? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth
YT 18 minutes 30 seconds
Who and What was Tom Bombadil? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth
YT 19 minutes 24 seconds
Rosenthal z.s.
HORN OF GONDOR (2020) A Tolkien Fan Film
YT 50 minutes 3 seconds
Пятый канал Россия
Хранители | Часть 1 | Телеспектакль по мотивам повести Д.Р.Р.Толкиена
YT 1 hour 4 minutes 31 seconds
Senhor dos Anéis: da União Soviética parte 2 (Legendado PT/Inglês)
YT 8 minutes 21 seconds
Willow Productions
Ainulindalë (J.R.R Tolkien Short Animation)
YT 10 minutes 11 seconds
The Broken Sword
The Lesser Known VILLAINS of the Lord of the Rings | Middle Earth Lore
YT 10 minutes
Men of the West
The White Trees - Plants of Arda
YT 18 minutes 45 seconds
Real Terrain Hobbies
I'm making *THE SHIRE* from Lord of the Rings! | Pt2
YT 15 minutes 10 seconds
The Broken Sword
The Complete History Of UMBAR! | Middle Earth Lore
YT 10 hours
Skyrim - Music & Ambience - Night [10 Hours]
YT 10 hours
Skyrim - Music & Ambience - Night [10 Hours]
YT 10 hours
Skyrim - Music & Ambience - Night [10 Hours]
YT 7 hours 48 minutes 44 seconds
Wizards and Warriors
Complete History of Middle-Earth