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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > Brickhouse Guitars

Brickhouse Guitars 3830 subscribers    RSS
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YT 2 minutes 11 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Tony McManus Showcasing the Pellerin SJ Presentation 2024
YT 12 minutes 21 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Medium Jumbo Presentation 2024 2531124 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 22 minutes 56 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Sheldon Schwartz Oracle 15 2024
YT 10 minutes 31 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Parlor-13 Mahogany SS 2401124 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 10 minutes 27 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Parlor-13 BRW BS 256 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 14 minutes 46 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin 000 Folk "Honeymoon" In Depth Review & Demo
YT 15 minutes 37 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-10 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 13 minutes 5 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
McNally OM Custom #236 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 12 minutes 8 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Hozen Blue label #222 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 14 minutes 36 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Jeff Jewitt OM CMT 240370 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 10 minutes 15 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Julien Sublet Grand Auditorium #29 Demo by Roger Schmidt
YT 16 minutes 37 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Theo Kazourian Gypsy Parlor 2024 #38
YT 6 minutes 51 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Folk 000 "Honeymoon" 2360824 With M Michael Pellerin
YT 12 minutes 7 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Sheldon Schwartz Oracle 2016
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Triple 0 Mahogany #238 Demo
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Triple 0 Mahogany #238 Demo
YT 8 minutes 12 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Donal McGreevy Model 1 #035
YT 13 minutes 12 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Folk C 13 Quilted Sapele Salvaged Cedar
YT 13 minutes 6 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Michel Pellerin Folk C Presentation @BrickhouseGuitarsKitchener
YT 7 minutes 52 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Folk C 13 Custom Shop #2500424 Demo
YT 2 minutes 35 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Julien Sublet OM #24 with Tony McManus
YT 2 minutes 58 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Bouchereau Mistral C12 #30 with Tony McManus
YT 11 minutes 8 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Bouchereau Mistral C12 #030 Demo
YT 11 minutes 36 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Julien Sublet OM #24 Demo
YT 10 minutes 29 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Donal McGreevy Model 1 #36 Demo
YT 23 minutes 13 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Folk C An Amazing Transformation! Michel Pellerin tells us about the process.
YT 2 minutes 17 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI-SJCW-CR Fan Fret #2420423-SGI with Tony McManus
YT 1 minute 47 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ CW FF Rosewood / Moonspruce #2460723 with Tony McManus
YT 2 minutes 2 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ Engelmann-Rosewood #2450723 with Tony McManus
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ #2460723 Alpine Spruce-Indian Rosewood Fan-fret
YT 5 minutes 19 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-CW #2450723 Engelmann-Rosewood Demo
YT 2 minutes 52 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-CW-FF 2420423.Demo
YT 2 minutes 48 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ CW STD25 2410423 Demo
YT 3 minutes 38 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
"Reaching" by Roger Schmidt at Michel Pellerin Guitars
YT 1 minute 25 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Vintage Dreadnought Pre-Owned - Demo by Darin Parise
YT 3 minutes 35 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Premium Vintage 1390414 Pre-Owned
YT 10 minutes 28 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Folk C 235 13 Fret by Roger Schmidt
YT 5 minutes 22 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
M. Pellerin Ziricote Prestige 2017 Pr-owned Demo
YT 2 minutes 24 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-CR 12 Fret Fan Fret 2210721 Demo
YT 2 minutes 24 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-ER Fan Fret 2230721 Demo
YT 2 minutes 8 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Fan Fret with RS Thumbevels
YT 2 minutes 22 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin SGI SJ-CW-CR #2 of 5
YT 5 minutes 27 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
Pellerin Red Rose 2012 Pre-owned Demo
YT 26 minutes 18 seconds
Brickhouse Guitars
An Interview with Michel Pellerin
YT 6 minutes
Brickhouse Guitars
April's Promise by Roger Schmidt. Guitar by Michel Pellerin
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]
YT 1 second

[Private video]