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Invidious (YT)

Invidious > Channel > The China Traveller

The China Traveller 153000 subscribers    RSS
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YT 13 minutes 18 seconds
The China Traveller
重庆最辣的小吃 CHONGQING: Spicy Street Food
YT 6 minutes 34 seconds
The China Traveller
绍兴:外国人第一次吃醉虾 SHAOXING: Eating Live Shrimp
YT 11 minutes 33 seconds
The China Traveller
XINJIANG most popular dish "Big Plate Chicken"
YT 10 minutes 28 seconds
The China Traveller
CHONGQING Man vs. Spiciest Hotpot in the World
YT 6 minutes 31 seconds
The China Traveller
绍兴:黄酒黄酒黄酒 SHAOXING: China's Alcohol City
YT 3 minutes 56 seconds
The China Traveller
在中国十年的老外第一次让父母喝中国白酒 I let my parents try Chinese Alcohol for the First Time Ever
YT 6 minutes 58 seconds
The China Traveller
新疆路边的菜场 XINJIANG: Food Markets Xinjiang Urumqi
YT 9 minutes 25 seconds
The China Traveller
Taking the Piss at Penfolds and Wolf Blass
YT 3 minutes 22 seconds
The China Traveller
哪个国家的茶好喝,英国还是中国 Chinese Tea versus British Tea
YT 1 minute 58 seconds
The China Traveller
舌尖上的英国 A Bite of Britain (What China thinks we eat)
YT 12 minutes 22 seconds
The China Traveller
I Ate Sand Worms in GUANGXI
YT 8 minutes 15 seconds
The China Traveller
福建:福州最好吃的小吃,鱼丸,锅边糊和海蛎饼 Fuzhou's Tastiest Snacks (Fake food, Real food, and Balls in my Mouth)
YT 9 minutes 48 seconds
The China Traveller
BEIJING: Eating Sheep Innards Soup and Cow Stomach
YT 5 minutes 5 seconds
The China Traveller
China's Super Fruit Jujube
YT 3 minutes 18 seconds
The China Traveller
Is Baby Squid Tasty?
YT 12 minutes 9 seconds
The China Traveller
Why do Chinese People eat snails? (Qingming)
YT 7 minutes 57 seconds
The China Traveller
Spicy LaLaLand: China's Best Spicy Chicken Dishes
YT 9 minutes 7 seconds
The China Traveller
Eating China's Balls (Tangyuan and Yuanxiao)
YT 12 minutes 33 seconds
The China Traveller
Donkey Meat at a Silk Road Night Market
YT 1 minute 46 seconds
The China Traveller
How to Drink Chinese Alcohol
YT 7 minutes 23 seconds
The China Traveller
Moon Cake Flavour Taste Test
YT 6 minutes 28 seconds
The China Traveller
Eating Hawthorn in Beijing's hutongs
YT 9 minutes 42 seconds
The China Traveller
HARBIN: The Local Snack Scene
YT 12 minutes 19 seconds
The China Traveller
云南:试吃蛇皮果,调查大理的文艺青年人的问题 YUNNAN: Eating Snake Fruit and Discovering a Hippie Problem
YT 5 minutes 12 seconds
The China Traveller
Who Invented Tea?
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
The China Traveller
The World's Biggest Breakfast in Inner Mongolia
YT 6 minutes 10 seconds
The China Traveller
I Ate the Most Expensive Food in China: Buddha's Temptation
YT 9 minutes 18 seconds
The China Traveller
China's Strangest Seafood
YT 8 minutes 31 seconds
The China Traveller
I eat the things that most foreigners in China avoid
YT 2 minutes 20 seconds
We Route
第一次做中国的艺术品 吹糖人儿 My first Attempt at Blowing my own Candy
YT 3 minutes 41 seconds
The China Traveller
The World's Cheapest White Strawberries, only $3 dollars a box
YT 5 minutes 56 seconds
The China Traveller
Street Breakfast in Fuzhou
YT 4 minutes 11 seconds
The China Traveller
Chinese Cooking in BEIJING'S Courtyards (with Sam Kolder)
YT 2 minutes 38 seconds
The China Traveller
My parents try Stinky Tofu for the first time
YT 1 minute 19 seconds
The China Traveller
Eating Love Tofu in Guizhou
YT 5 minutes 36 seconds
The China Traveller
Can Chinese Alcohol Cure the Common Cold?
YT 10 minutes 30 seconds
The China Traveller
Eating Brain! Guizhou's Best Street Food
YT 3 minutes 43 seconds
The China Traveller
GUIZHOU: The King of Spring Rolls
YT 9 minutes 18 seconds
The China Traveller
Mom & Dad Eat River Snail Noodles
YT 12 minutes 48 seconds
The China Traveller
Nanjing's Amazing Street Food (Potstickers!)
YT 5 minutes 50 seconds
The China Traveller
NANJING's Duck Blood Soup and Salt Water Duck
YT 8 minutes 53 seconds
The China Traveller
What do China's Olympic Weightlifters Eat and How do they Rest?
YT 5 minutes 33 seconds
The China Traveller
WUYUAN and the Village of Spice
YT 6 minutes 27 seconds
The China Traveller
I Make Laoganma Chili Gelato! (+ Lamb Kebab, and Century Egg Ice Cream)
YT 9 minutes 34 seconds
The China Traveller
My Parents eat Chinese Snacks for the first time
YT 11 minutes 48 seconds
The China Traveller
CHONGQING mom and dad eat Chongqing Hotpot for the first time
YT 7 minutes 51 seconds
The China Traveller
Mom and Dad Eat Hand Pulled Noodles for the First Time 博步韩梅梅第一次吃重庆小面
YT 10 minutes 4 seconds
The China Traveller
BEIJING Mom and Dad's Best Meal Ever!
YT 5 minutes 56 seconds
The China Traveller
How to Cook Wuhan Noodles (So Easy)
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
The China Traveller
Inspiration for Self-Isolation: Grow Veg (at home) 在家种菜,要是能种肉就好了
YT 9 minutes 8 seconds
The China Traveller
臭臭的角落: 臭豆腐火锅 Stinky Tofu Hotpot Challenge
YT 11 minutes 49 seconds
The China Traveller
I Eat Liziqi's Hotpot with my Mom and Dad 英国李子柒大翻车 还是和英国爸妈一起吃播香
YT 5 minutes 29 seconds
The China Traveller
Catching and Eating Yunnan Mountain Carp
YT 11 minutes 50 seconds
The China Traveller
Mom & Dad Eat Chinese Instant Noodles (for the FIRST TIME EVER) 英国爸妈第一次吃中国方便面
YT 7 minutes 58 seconds
Creative Guitar Studio
Pentatonic Box Shape Checklist (Solo in Seconds - NO Mistakes)
YT 5 minutes 26 seconds
The China Traveller
I Found the Best Cheap Breakfast in China (Only 6 yuan, less than $1) // 佛坪人必备早点?司徒建国一天能吃三顿
YT 6 minutes 18 seconds
The China Traveller
I Go to LANZHOU BEEF NOODLE School (Making the BEST noodles in China) / 英国小哥兰州学拉面 最后拉出黑暗料理?!
YT 2 minutes 46 seconds
The China Traveller
British Food You've Never Seen Before 中国人都会爱吃的英国美食!真的没骗你
YT 5 minutes 41 seconds
The China Traveller
What does White Yak Meat Taste Like? // 想吃牦牛肉?先要铲牛粪!英国小哥的甘肃行
YT 7 minutes 10 seconds
The China Traveller
Wuhan Street Food & Street Orchestras // 睡前千万别点开!英国小哥在武汉找到了人间美味!
YT 7 minutes 38 seconds
The China Traveller
XINJIANG VLOG7 - Eating Authentic Xinjiang Food at HOTAN Night Market / 新疆VLOG7 探最好吃的夜市,根本停不下来
YT 11 minutes 57 seconds
The China Traveller
Lotus Roots Come From Here??? (Digging by Hand & Eating Them All) / 英国小哥洪湖挖藕:真·深陷泥潭 无法自拔
YT 8 minutes 6 seconds
The China Traveller
Where do China's CRAYFISH Come From? / 【小龙虾舔屏预警】味蕾冲击,英国小哥直呼上头
YT 10 minutes 50 seconds
The China Traveller
How to Make Oyster Sauce using a 200 Year Old Recipe (How Does it Taste?) “蚝”口福!英国小哥暴风吸入美味蚝宴
YT 13 minutes 33 seconds
The China Traveller
CHONGQING The Best Snacks You Can Buy / 英国小哥为了给爸妈寄中国好吃的 决定自己先吃遍中国
YT 11 minutes 52 seconds
The China Traveller
SHANDONG: What is Snake Grass Water? / 英国小哥【吃遍中国】粉丝推荐白花蛇草水 真是谢谢你们啊!
YT 16 minutes 50 seconds
The China Traveller
China's Strangest Potato Chips / 英国爸妈试吃中国奇怪口味薯片 最好吃的是袜子味?!
YT 13 minutes 28 seconds
The China Traveller
SHANXI: I eat DIRT? (& Other Amazing Snacks) / 外国人说冬奥首钢园是核电站?英国小哥:你清醒一点!
YT 12 minutes 8 seconds
The China Traveller
Are these the best CANTONESE snacks in the world??? / 广东篇直呼骗人!老婆饼的老婆呢?
YT 6 minutes 32 seconds
The China Traveller
EASIEST way to Cook Imitation Crab (Rapid Chinese Recipe)
YT 6 minutes 59 seconds
The China Traveller
Sansha - China's Secret FOODIE Paradise
YT 6 minutes 35 seconds
The China Traveller
Street Food So Good, EVERYONE Eats It (Sansha Food Tour pt 2)
YT 9 minutes 36 seconds
The China Traveller
What is Life Really Like on Inner Mongolia's GRASSLANDS?
YT 10 minutes 44 seconds
The China Traveller
RARE Chinese Cuisine: CHESTNUT Banquet
YT 13 minutes 55 seconds
The China Traveller
Hainan's VOLCANO CUISINE! 🌋 海南火山美食
YT 10 minutes 33 seconds
The China Traveller
Salt-Baked Chicken cooked at China’s Ancient Salt Fields 在洋浦古盐田吃盐焗鸡
YT 6 minutes 49 seconds
The China Traveller
Eating Wild CACTUS - The Next Big Thing in China!
YT 9 minutes 55 seconds
The China Traveller
Chinese Village Makes $66 MILLION dollars in 1 Year! HOW?
YT 12 minutes 58 seconds
The China Traveller
Wenchang Coconut Chicken (BETTER than Hainanese Chicken Rice???)
YT 8 minutes 9 seconds
The China Traveller
Best Coffee in the World is from CHINA? 世界上最好的咖啡来自中国?
YT 59 seconds
The China Traveller
Lao Gan Ma + CENTURY EGG Gelato (Best Ice Cream Ever!)
YT 11 minutes 17 seconds
The China Traveller
You Won't Believe What's Inside China's GREEN DUMPLINGS 网红青团好吃吗?
YT 1 minute
The China Traveller
Everyone in China is Talking about this Food! 淄博烧烤到底好不好吃
YT 2 minutes 1 second
The China Traveller
Donkey Meat Kebabs (Unseen Chinese Cuisine) 这个肉串大部分人应该都没吃过!
YT 10 minutes 42 seconds
The China Traveller
UK's Best Chinese Takeaway is in Wolverhampton 你肯定没吃过这些 “中餐”
YT 5 minutes 39 seconds
The China Traveller
Shenjing ROAST GOOSE (Cantonese Cuisine) 在深井村吃深井烧鹅
YT 8 minutes
The China Traveller
China's Night Markets Have a BIG PROBLEM! (Too Much Food in Fuzhou)
YT 6 minutes 58 seconds
The China Traveller
Do Chinese People Know How to Have Fun? (Qingdao Beer Festival)
YT 7 minutes 19 seconds
The China Traveller
I've Never Been this Shocked in China Before! (Qingdao Beer Festival)
YT 9 minutes 23 seconds
The China Traveller
The Truth about China's Wet Markets!
YT 4 minutes 32 seconds
The China Traveller
EXTREME Chinese Street Food: Super Fried Fat
YT 9 minutes 22 seconds
The China Traveller
China's Most Unusual Hotpot: Guangzhou FISH POT 中国最独特的火锅:广州鱼锅
YT 18 minutes 29 seconds
Talking Wolves
Wolves Fans React To Wolves 3-0 Everton
YT 22 minutes 57 seconds
The China Traveller
One CRAZY Day in Macau, China! 🇲🇴🇨🇳 带英国爸妈走港珠澳大桥去澳门,吃最便宜米其林,还偶遇小贝?!
YT 8 minutes 25 seconds
The China Traveller
Insane CHINESE NEW YEAR Market in Beijing, China 🇨🇳 英国小哥逛老北京年货大集,吃遍全国各地好吃的!
YT 13 minutes 44 seconds
The China Traveller
We Eat China's Northeast BBQ 🇨🇳 (Too Good for Words)
YT 12 minutes 42 seconds
The China Traveller
We Eat Hong Kong's Best Roast Goose 🇨🇳 英国爸妈第一次吃烧鹅
YT 13 minutes 51 seconds
The China Traveller
The Chinese Girl Who Never Gets Full (UNLIMITED KEBAB BUFFET)
YT 30 minutes 7 seconds
The China Traveller
Can China Fall in Love with British Food? 🇨🇳🇬🇧 第一次吃英国菜,全身都在抗拒
YT 7 minutes 34 seconds
The China Traveller
Harbin's Street Food Breakfast Scene: SPARE RIB BAO BUNS! (+ more)
YT 2 minutes 21 seconds
The China Traveller
Is this the WORST Food in China? 🇨🇳
YT 10 minutes 16 seconds
The China Traveller
Night Market in China's Desert 🇨🇳 I Didn't Expect THIS!
YT 2 minutes 16 seconds
The China Traveller
Floating Heaven? Beijing's Hotpot Boat Restaurant
YT 10 minutes 4 seconds
The China Traveller
Chinese New Year is a Street Food Lover’s Dream