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Invidious (YT)

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Blatantly Emotional Records 42200 subscribers    RSS
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YT 1 hour 10 minutes 1 second
Blatantly Emotional Records
【作業枠】ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー -SCREAMO REMIX- ver2.0 / 巡音ルカ
YT 2 hours 49 minutes 59 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
いつかはここに。/ Someday iz Here.【#マジカルミライ10th 感想など】
YT 45 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【Scratch COVER】Subjugation /書店太郎【DJ】
YT 25 minutes 20 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【Live viewing】wakuwakuするREMIXの動画公開配信
YT 1 hour 18 minutes 16 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【特報】書店太郎Pと申します。 /マジカルミライ10th ライブ演奏決定他
YT 29 minutes 36 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【New Album】#B.E.R.Holiday クロスフェード公開記念【質問と雑談】
YT 3 hours 15 minutes 46 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【#BER録音中 番外編】N.I.C.K ONEMAN LIVE「FIRST TIME 」 記念!「unlive/unslay」㊙︎話編
YT 31 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【Big Announcement】
YT 5 minutes 2 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
Blatantly Emotional Records 5th anniversary #BER5th
YT 3 minutes 36 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
B.E.R. Official B.E.R. merchandise is now available [#2].
YT 4 minutes 11 seconds
Blatantly Emotional Records
【#BER_Recording】about the new novelty and the new video series 【#1】